Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Happens To A Ballerina's Feet

Manifesto: against militarization, popular mobilization

Rosario Ibarra (*)

With the amendments to the National Security Act seeks to legalize what has hitherto has been and is being done outside the constitutional framework: using the military in public security work. It would seek to crown law what has been done illegally since 2006, militarize the country.

Link these jobs with national security is a fallacy to justify is the executive that has a whim of the Armed Forces, even in peacetime, the fact that flagrantly violates As stated in Article 129 of the Constitution.

reason do not have much to learn and what are the consequences of maintaining the armed forces as part toral of the "need to combat organized crime": Violence and insecurity not only yield but increases exponentially over time, with its wealth of violations human rights.

The town is so "worst of all possible worlds", frightened and suffering from violence by criminal groups, "that the authorities, driving fools, can not contain ... "but also, it must be said, suffering abuse and corruption Perennial authority should protect it.

These reforms aim to institutionalize what we have been saying for more than four years: a militarized state (with clear dye "pinochetianos"), poorly conducted in which does not solve the terrible problem of insecurity and which routinely trample civil liberties.

In addition, these legal amendments contain other hazards: the Executive may decide unilaterally, without any counterweight ... Worse still, it opens the door to military repression social movements, because even when he says that "there will be an affectation for internal security, movements or actions related to character conflict political, electoral or social nature, slyly an exception, when they "constitute a challenge or a threat to internal security" ... "According to whom? Executive course! Any sign of political freedom is threatened and can be deleted by this provision itself of military dictatorships.

approved the minutes says it "seeks to protect in all respects human rights" ... nothing more false, as in Article 77, with an ambiguous wording states that "when members of the Armed Forces perform behaviors that MAY BE constituting a crime involving civilians, will be prosecuted and punished in accordance with the rules that govern them, "thus maintaining a military tribunal. Keeping this exceptional jurisdiction at a critical moment of terrible social and political breakdown, marked by the militarization of the country is a terrible risk to civil liberties of people, many dare we say, cause evils worse instead of solutions to end what the government called "organized crime."

I insisted on removing d called military law, which, under its current structure, has allowed the offense you can define the common law, military becomes the fact of having been committed by a member of the armed forces, making the jurisdiction of war become a privilege and a part-punitive system to the detriment of "equality before the law" and the principle of separation of powers provides that penalties can be imposed only an ordinary judge, under Article 21 of the Constitution. I have heard many lawyers say that this must be addressed by the Constitution through an amendment to article 13, to repeal the preserve of impunity under which they have committed and are still committing crimes and violations of fundamental rights.

But obviously, especially with the current balance of political forces in Congress, the solution the problem is not basically live in the legislative arena. There is no way out other than political action, mass mobilizations in the streets, organized in a peaceful manner, to halt and reverse the present course of militarization and violence launched by the government imposed since 2006 and against which we struggle since then. We have reached a situation as intolerable. These days, after the barbarous murder in Cuernavaca that included the poet's son Javier Sicilia, seems to spread throughout the country, the awareness that this violence is sufficient. A possible turning point that will allow a broad mobilization, national, unitary, like the is called to start in Cuernavaca May 5 to end the 8th in Mexico City and there to support and add without reluctance. Them simultaneously in other cities, as happened on 6 April. It's urgent. Necessary. We must stop the militarization and violence caused by power.

I have always thought and I said that soldiers are "people in uniform" and are also part of the people abused and sometimes forced to that part of town to fight his brothers, "it forces the people of the barracks to strafe the village of factories put a uniform on Cain murdering Abel. "

Mexico City, April 27, 2011.


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