Immediate implementation of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CPP) for crimes of corruption committed by public officials is an effective tool to combat this scourge, said today the Minister of Justice Víctor García Toma.
By supporting the Justice Commission to draft law on the matter presented by the Executive, said that in recent months a number of complaints about alleged acts of corruption have shaken "to Peruvian society and questioned the fight against this problem.
also noted that the traditional legal mechanisms do not provide a solution to the fight against corruption, because, he said, the average duration of the processes followed by the commission of these crimes reach the four years, and in some cases, ten or twelve years.
mentioned the case of Gen. Walter Chacon, a process that lasted more than eight years and ended in a sentence, but there was a "solution" given by the Constitutional Court.
In this regard, Garcia said he takes requires a legal and effective response from the State to address this problem and that the implementation of PPPs will contribute to this purpose.
This, he said, will allow corruption processes are transparent, dynamic and fast, which in turn assist "attacking an old wrong," the Peruvian judicial system.
"This is not about supporting impunity or support the lynching, which is that there is a clear process with guarantees for all parties for the purpose of arriving at the legal truth," he said.
The Minister of Justice said that in coordination with the Public Ministry and the Interior sector, the institution has been promoting training process operators in the criminal justice system to improve the management and implementation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
He said that this training has been developed in the judicial districts of Ica, Cañete, Lima, North Lima, Callao, San Martin, Amazonas, Cajamarca, Ancash and Santa.
He also said that the resource requirements for implementation of the CPP may be retained within the rationality, efficiency and fiscal austerity.
Finally, he said that in future the Comptroller Sunat and other administrative agencies play a major role in determining the crimes of corruption committed by public officials.
For his part, President of the Commission on Implementation of the CPP, Rafael Donayre, who accompanied the minister of justice in his presentation, estimated that the implementation of this legal instrument will require an expenditure of 32 million soles.
Later, speaking to the press, Garcia Takes reported that in two weeks, the anti-corruption prosecutor, Pedro Gamarra travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina to repatriate a safe that contain information and José Enrique Crousillat money.
said the Ministry of Justice coordinates with the various prosecutors to handle the arrest of former businessman television, after the Fourth Criminal Court ratified the arrest warrant against him for alleged bribery.
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