Seven respected jurists were honored by the Ministry of Justice under the title "Strengthening State Constitutional Law and Access to Justice ", in recognition of his outstanding professional, academic and labor.
The Minister of Justice, Víctor García Toma, gave such distinction to Delia Revoredo, former judge of the Constitutional Court (TC), the former chairman of the Senate, Felipe Osterling Parodi, and the legal Vicente Ugarte del Pino and Juan Chavez Molina .
also awarded posthumously to former members of the TC, Manuel Aguirre Roca, Guillermo Rey Terry, and Bramont Luis Arias, who, he said, provided an important contribution to the study and development of the law
This award aims consolidate the actions undertaken by different social actors towards social inclusion, the constitutional state of law and access to justice in the country
Garcia Takes highlighted the qualities of each of the honorees and highlighted the work of lawyers with their studies and actions contributed to the Justice sector.
"Each of the honorees expressed a vivid testimony of what the law can be: a noble activity, worthy and committed to social life," he said.
Meanwhile, Delia Revoredo thanked, on behalf of the honorees, the distinction conferred and said he will continue working for the good of law and democracy in the country.
"We know that there is still much to do the rest of us to keep on fighting when it comes to upholding the rule of law and access to justice in the country," he said.
During the ceremony which was held in the auditorium of the Ministry of Justice, the chairman of the Expert Commission for Efficiency, Effectiveness and Probity of the sector, Juan Jimenez gave a brief overview of each of the honorees.
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