Thursday, April 1, 2010

Symptoms After Cervical Polyp Removal

ASSOCIATION The voice autistic

The stakes of the voice in an expressive language is just as painful for autistic many prefer to remain silent. Others make the commitment of the verbiage, the language of signs, or different modes of artificial utterances. Some get to a fragile support your statement through the imaginary collection of voice operated through the use of the double. The acquisition of the word for autism is made, first, by a delayed echolalia, imitating the verbal behavior of a double, then by an intellectual learning memorizing words connected to images of things and phrases associated with specific situations. The stipulation preserved almost always some surprise that suggests something of a difficult medium. (P. 239) The

work on the specificity of the intelligence of autistics, which guide most of the educational strategies that are proposed, usually accompanied by a lack of subjective performance. The manner in which it received the dual reward-punishment is hardly questioned, the anguish inherent in the utterance is not taken into account, the containment function of the enjoyment, typical of autistic objects, and the work of immutability is ignored, the particular way it is constructed the autistic subject is not even imagined. For these and other reasons, psychoanalytic treatment of autism and re-education of their deficits are incompatible. (P.257)

Maleval Jean-Claude, L' Autiste et sa voix, Paris: Seuil, 2009.


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