Monday, March 29, 2010

What Are Quadline Roller Skates

A program for autism? Not without the subject

believe that every moment, whatever, is a time to work not only for what it brings concrete rehabilitation, but also for the opening, the place made for the child and his speech will spell out or not in words, it is not always and in any case not only at the time of re-education workshops, when children address what is for them a problem.

Always be willing to hear what is said, to acknowledge receipt of the word of the child, whatever manner, place and time of emergence, is one of the cornerstones of our practice that makes every moment in the presence of the child is a moment of work.

If there's one thing we teach clinical practice is that a child is unlike any other. Each, depending on the point where he is but also of their centers of interest and the particular work you are doing, has a different way to go before learning and socialization.

From there, an individualized rehabilitation implies to us that we near as possible to places of interest specific to each child to bring to a learning process. While some methods are based on an apprenticeship and then set a standard material to children, l'Antenne work the other way. We left the child as it is, with their potential and their disabilities but also to its privileged object-this may be a stick, a rope, a circuit, etc .- and we invent tools, strategies to expand, move, generalize that center privileged interest and the child to gradually towards a learning process. Thus, attention and interest of the child were raised by the defendant work, which becomes self-motivating and source of satisfaction. "

(On the question of autonomy)

One of the important objectives of any rehabilitation is the acquisition of autonomy, ie ensure that a child not in need of support adult basic activities of daily living. (...)

Sometimes the child is perfectly capable of dressing, but adults demand that makes problems, whether it sets the child, which paralyzed, you activate your irony: the child then refuses to dress or any way makes a mockery of the adult. In this case, our experience has taught us to put up strategies: do not stay focused on this demand, addressed to all children in the room, looking away, talking about something else, singing, pop out of the room, etc. These maneuvers allow a range within which children can access adult demand without being annihilated by it, without having to defend themselves.

Much more fundamental, autonomy alone is not enough. Many autistic children are not only too "autonomous." Not only do not need anyone's help needs to be met, but mostly have no regard for anyone. Thus, a child may be perfectly capable of pouring water on his own. But our choice is not to help himself, but ask this water, ie passing through the adult and the symbolic gesture and language to express and satisfy their need. (...) Be independent, yes, but not others.

Antenne 110. Préliminaire 16.
schools and health clinics for children with developmental disorders and severe personality disorders, agreed by the INAMI (Belgium).


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