Friday, March 26, 2010

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is a truism that is taking shape between movements have accused psychoanalysis of the blame on parents of autistic children. It must be said that psychoanalysis was not who placed the etiology of autism in emotional problems between fathers and sons, but the established Austrian psychiatrist Leo Kanner in the United States, who is owed the first medical description of autism. On the other hand, it is ironic or perhaps rooted in a strong lack of what psychoanalysis is, the attribution "blame" someone. No other speech desculpabilizado modernity has been studied more and better place of the blame on the subjectivity psychoanalysis. It is not part of either the therapeutic or analytic experience blame the subject, but rather to accompany him on a journey through which we can place vital coordinates that have caused discomfort or distress and offer the subject a new opportunity. However, when dealing with the guilt we must not ignore that it is considering a profoundly complex and is crucial to have integrated some way the relationship with others. In the final analysis, a subject without guilt not perceive the limits of its dominion over others and, thus, can become cynical exercise his power to commit the worst atrocities. On the other hand, in our Judeo-Christian, guilt is the center of religious belief. Moreover, he has spent listening to the suffering of beings who speak, make sure someone knows that the cause of the problems your child is due to a biological error or may not relieve the guilt and anguish. The psychoanalyst does not blame either the family or the child, or the analysand. Allows the analyst who wants to meet their own fortunes vital to continue an ethical path to take you to the roots for the most part unconscious of guilt.
On the other hand, the origin of autism remains unknown. So says Simon Baron-Cohen, professor of psychiatry and psychology at Trinity College in Cambridge where he directs the Center for Autism. It also states: "still not know the exact hereditary factors involved and their mechanisms." Scientific investigations are far from conclusive. For example, Thomas Bourgeron, the Pasteur Institute in Paris, has identified genetic mutations in 6% of the cases studied, 6%! Genetic mutations that have input means nothing also would need to consider whether these mutations occur or not non-autistic people to be scientifically decisive. One of the difficulties in establishing the cause lies in the difficulty of diagnosis same, so we speak of "autism spectrum." No treatment, or any serious, humble and strict, as is true science, can act back to these impasses.
In any case, whatever the cause and the fate of a human body, it is inhabited by an individual who responds in a singular and unique to the vicissitudes of his body. This subject deals with psychoanalysis. Whether your "disorder" is not due to genetic mutations, disconnections neural or hormonal imbalances, also the subject must respond to all this. Psychoanalysis deals with the response that is ultimately what is properly human being. A once-and-answer marked, no doubt, critical contingencies for each. The cure for autistic child from Lacanian psychoanalysis guidance from here.
more than 30 years ago that Lacanian psychoanalysis is concerned with autism in European centers. An extensive bibliography has also deployed at numerous conferences in which professionals-psychiatrists, psychologists realize their practice and subject to discussion and debate. To this must refer to those who want to learn more about how Lacanian psychoanalysis is oriented and who do not want to repeat topics, sometimes offensive, they do not reflect anything other than a profound ignorance.

Neus Carbonell
Psychoanalyst Psychologist - Early Childhood Intervention


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