Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Happens To A Ballerina's Feet

Manifesto: against militarization, popular mobilization

Rosario Ibarra (*)

With the amendments to the National Security Act seeks to legalize what has hitherto has been and is being done outside the constitutional framework: using the military in public security work. It would seek to crown law what has been done illegally since 2006, militarize the country.

Link these jobs with national security is a fallacy to justify is the executive that has a whim of the Armed Forces, even in peacetime, the fact that flagrantly violates As stated in Article 129 of the Constitution.

reason do not have much to learn and what are the consequences of maintaining the armed forces as part toral of the "need to combat organized crime": Violence and insecurity not only yield but increases exponentially over time, with its wealth of violations human rights.

The town is so "worst of all possible worlds", frightened and suffering from violence by criminal groups, "that the authorities, driving fools, can not contain ... "but also, it must be said, suffering abuse and corruption Perennial authority should protect it.

These reforms aim to institutionalize what we have been saying for more than four years: a militarized state (with clear dye "pinochetianos"), poorly conducted in which does not solve the terrible problem of insecurity and which routinely trample civil liberties.

In addition, these legal amendments contain other hazards: the Executive may decide unilaterally, without any counterweight ... Worse still, it opens the door to military repression social movements, because even when he says that "there will be an affectation for internal security, movements or actions related to character conflict political, electoral or social nature, slyly an exception, when they "constitute a challenge or a threat to internal security" ... "According to whom? Executive course! Any sign of political freedom is threatened and can be deleted by this provision itself of military dictatorships.

approved the minutes says it "seeks to protect in all respects human rights" ... nothing more false, as in Article 77, with an ambiguous wording states that "when members of the Armed Forces perform behaviors that MAY BE constituting a crime involving civilians, will be prosecuted and punished in accordance with the rules that govern them, "thus maintaining a military tribunal. Keeping this exceptional jurisdiction at a critical moment of terrible social and political breakdown, marked by the militarization of the country is a terrible risk to civil liberties of people, many dare we say, cause evils worse instead of solutions to end what the government called "organized crime."

I insisted on removing d called military law, which, under its current structure, has allowed the offense you can define the common law, military becomes the fact of having been committed by a member of the armed forces, making the jurisdiction of war become a privilege and a part-punitive system to the detriment of "equality before the law" and the principle of separation of powers provides that penalties can be imposed only an ordinary judge, under Article 21 of the Constitution. I have heard many lawyers say that this must be addressed by the Constitution through an amendment to article 13, to repeal the preserve of impunity under which they have committed and are still committing crimes and violations of fundamental rights.

But obviously, especially with the current balance of political forces in Congress, the solution the problem is not basically live in the legislative arena. There is no way out other than political action, mass mobilizations in the streets, organized in a peaceful manner, to halt and reverse the present course of militarization and violence launched by the government imposed since 2006 and against which we struggle since then. We have reached a situation as intolerable. These days, after the barbarous murder in Cuernavaca that included the poet's son Javier Sicilia, seems to spread throughout the country, the awareness that this violence is sufficient. A possible turning point that will allow a broad mobilization, national, unitary, like the is called to start in Cuernavaca May 5 to end the 8th in Mexico City and there to support and add without reluctance. Them simultaneously in other cities, as happened on 6 April. It's urgent. Necessary. We must stop the militarization and violence caused by power.

I have always thought and I said that soldiers are "people in uniform" and are also part of the people abused and sometimes forced to that part of town to fight his brothers, "it forces the people of the barracks to strafe the village of factories put a uniform on Cain murdering Abel. "

Mexico City, April 27, 2011.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fancy Papertowel Napkins

Another video of the Assembly with AMLO in Puebla MORENA

Jenna Jameson Flower Hair


Inventory Turnover Template

photo report MORENA Assembly with Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the Zocalo of Puebla

_____________________________________ 20 years have been responsible for plundering the country, says

must end corrupt PRI government and AN: AMLO

It's time to bring about a change of political regime, says

The city's zocalo Puebla, Andrés Manuel López Obrador complained that the policies of neoliberal governments, youth have been the main victims Photo La Jornada
Monica Camacho

Puebla, Pue., 30 April. Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for an end to the corrupt governments of PRI and PAN, have been charged with looting the country in recent 20 years.

From the presidency of Carlos Salinas de Gortari government budget became prey to the service of a minority, so we have economic crisis, social welfare and security said to occur in Puebla the National Regeneration Movement (Morena).

Before thousands of people gathered at the square of the city, Lopez Obrador showed the results of neoliberal governments, most notably the privatization of education, unemployment, collapse of the productive activity and the abandonment of the field.

The main victims have been young, regretted, who have resorted, in some cases, illegal and antisocial behaviors in the absence of educational and employment opportunities.

to former presidential candidate, it was time to push for change in political regime, which requires the removal from power of rapacious minority feels owner of Mexico.

Accompanied by state leaders of PT and Convergence, López Obrador called on militants and supporters of PRI and PAN to join the movement, whose purpose is to make the country transit from oligarchy to democracy.

The fight is not perched in public office is not the ambition for power for power, much less the greed for money. What we want is a peaceful transformation to the organized participation of the people.

He announced that the movement's aim over the next nine months will increase the sectional committee is made up of 28 thousand to 65 thousand, to have a presence in all electoral districts of the country before the election of 2012.

also invited citizens to participate on June 5, at 10 pm in the National Assembly in the Zocalo of Mexico City, where he displayed all the strength national National Regeneration Movement.

yesterday at the rally stressed the presence of former state leader of the PRI Ignacio Velasco and Mier union leader of the City of Puebla, Israel Pacheco Velázquez, near Doger Enrique Guerrero, former mayor of the capital of the state and deputy local tricolor.

before final informational meeting, López Obrador commended the children at the time. In the afternoon he met with representatives from Black on Tlaxcala.


command is delivered to the U.S. war Calderon said Rep.

Safety Reform Act passes the public power in the military: Muñoz Ledo
Roberto Garduño and Enrique Méndez

reform bill to the National Security Bill, drawn up by deputies who despised the work of five legislative committees were ordered to rule, represents the transfer of power military audience. If this does take dedication to the Mexican military, because they make a military regime but it is giving the command of the war (Felipe) Calderon the United States, a strategic schemes that country, which are made from Washington , says the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House, Porfirio Munoz Ledo.

the end of the regular session in the Chamber of Deputies after opening the freezer door of the PRI legislative reform indefinitely, the representative of the Labour Party warned that the displacement of civilian to military leaves total defenseless citizens, representing the violation of regulatory provisions of the rule of law. The world gray is the runoff from a weak state to a clearly democratic dictatorship, and dictatorship abroad is subject to a complete loss of national sovereignty .

This deferral of authority, he says, represents the consecration of the interference of the armed forces in public security. "So you have to define in the Constitution in times of peace without war. That is the single most dangerous, because the theory of the preamble to the document that is distributed with the gray. Barbarous says one thing, there is no black or white, there is never absolute peace and total war.

The world of gray it does is create a diffuse political regime in which national security, civil and military authorities resolved in accordance with the circumstances and, indeed, in acts of an absolutist. The Constitution provides that the case of a formal declaration of war, which is national security issue, there must be an act of Congress to suspend guarantees. This is to control the suspension, and all this is being refused.

"The document, prepared by the PRI in the Chamber of Deputies, includes an unusual section on foreign policy. What is involved in the background?

-is moving to Army foreign policy powers. Said that the authorities responsible for public safety may interpret and apply foreign policy principles enshrined in the Constitution. This means that you are turning to history, are returning 70 years. Now everything is war. It is giving a 180 degrees to what was the institutionalization of the Army and government. The progress of civilization turning back. What is it? This is very suspicious.

These powers are intended to give foreign policy mean that the Army and the Navy will decide how to apply the principle of self determination of peoples, the territorial integrity of states. It is very rare to pass powers of the Foreign Ministry to Defense. So we turn to the Foreign Relations Committee.

The public is totally defenseless, says legislator Carlos Ramos PT Mamahua Photo / File

- Do you envisage a state of involvement? What does that term in security policy?

-no turning back in terms of absolutely arbitrary powers granted to security forces in under state of emergency that called state involvement. It is an understatement, because it does not cover national security, but public safety issues. This is a law which is clearly aimed to strengthen the participation of the Army and Navy in activities against organized crime.

"It's a trend that has penetrated institutions.

"Yes, comes the famous Aspan (Agreement for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America), which is not a treaty. In this theory was accepted U.S. national security. In fact we are folding at the legal level of integration with that country's security, even though they not acquire a mutual commitment. Interestingly, the actual commitments and avoids Aspan migration in the United States to ensure public safety in Mexico. We joined their strategy through hundreds of thousands dead when there is not one the other side.

"The U.S. government does not acquire even the commitment to prevent the passage of arms. We are in a vicious circle. Washington offset the huge loss in its balance of payments for the purchase of drugs, which is estimated at 35 billion dollars with the sale of arms to Mexico. It is estimated that in this country more than 18 million guns, nut is closing in Mexico. "

"You claim that, if approved, there would be an important step in the dissolution of Congress, but also notes a latent risk for journalism.

"Passing this law is a suicide of Congress, because contrary to the provisions of Article 29 of the Constitution is being refused to be exercised control over the activities of the army in a state of emergency and the state to individuals or communities affected . And water to the press. If a country attacks on freedom of expression, murder and disappearance of journalists, this is Mexico. The media will be the first who will suffer that.

- Who is to protect the Army and Navy?

"Now say it to protect the Army, and no, gentlemen. It is assumed that this stupid war (Felipe) Calderon was to protect society, and now says it seeks to protect the Army. They say, 'How good that the Army has the scruples to ask us a law. " Indeed, he wants to act within the law, you should because you do not know what will happen in the future. The soldiers are protecting and civilians are leaving the whole package to them.

This is a terrible sword of Damocles, because one of the arguments of PRI and PAN is that we must better regulate what is already happening and gets worse every day. This leads to the end of Mexican diplomacy. It is an outrage, an outrage. We must be very alert. And what we are asking is: accept I legalize the abuse or abuse.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How Many Spots Are There In The Acute Hiv Rash


Only more jobs will lower the crime: López Obrador
Carlos Camacho

Pachuca, Hidalgo., 29 April. is not more prisons, threatening heavy-handed policies and more stringent laws and ends with rising crime and violence in the country , Andrés Manuel López Obrador said on his second day tour of the capitals of the country to evaluate and promote the construction of its National Regeneration Movement.

Rather, he said, what the country needs is to have more employment, welfare and ensure the constitutional rights of all Mexicans.

live the most difficult moments, darkest and saddest of national history, and this decline is due to the predominance of a mafia potentates are about 30, believed to be the masters of the country that have been meticulous in destroying our nation.

Before some 4 000 Hidalgo gathered in the plaza Juárez de Pachuca, asked Why so much violence and insecurity? Because he canceled the future to millions of Mexicans, because they closed the doors of study and work for thousands of young people, many of them have had to leave their families to immigrate to the United States, but many of them were tempted to take the path of illegal activities .

said that in 2006 his opponents took advantage of the lack of organization, which prevented her moving boxes monitor in north-central states of the country, there where we committed the most blatant fraud in the history of Mexico .

called his followers to the National Assembly by the 5 July in the Zocalo of Mexico City to promote change in this country, will not come from the top down, must come from below, with an organized . _______________________________


blood Springs antiwar

Jaime Avilés
One of the least known and most dangerous, of the proposed reforms the National Security Act, which discussed the political class these days, within and out of Congress, is as including the creation of a national security council , composed of the Secretaries of Defense, Navy, Public Security, Government, the PGR and the Cisen-that is, a joint civil- South American-style military, which would have the power to order military intervention in situations that in his opinion may threaten the internal security , a privilege that also enjoy, on his lonely, the holder of federal executive when he wanted.

The only requirements that both the Board and the Executive be required to adhere to its action was legal in this regard would be two: first, published in the Official Journal Federation of its decision to send troops into combat anywhere in the country, and second, to report what happens on the front battle to a committee composed of senators and deputies, not later than 30 days after the home employment of hostilities.

Needless to say, this formula bureaucracy to establish a constitutional dictatorship in our country bears the stamp made in USA . This is a gift from the government of Hillary Clinton (and his elegant butler) illegitimate regime of olinarquía Mexican through the Merida Initiative.

However, the substance and excitement and at times frantic, hysterical, which squandered the deputies loyal to Enrique Peña Nieto to try to impose this monstrosity in San Lazaro, willing to pay any political price for it reveals that the Mexican governor tries to become Washington's point man in Toluca, and the candidate of the stars and stripes for the coming year, with dismal results, fortunately ... and now.

only for now. We can predict with absolute certainty that if you arrive at Los Pinos in 2012, Peña Nieto push back approval of these reforms and dictatorial coup, which would legalize state terrorism and would make the armed forces in political police.

Peña Nieto Why bet its future on this letter? Why Humberto Moreira, the so-called national leader of the PRI, backed it with your eyes closed? Why Beatriz Paredes had to get into the ring to ask a bit of calm to his party colleagues, asking them what they obeyed his haste, when the PAN, said literally, not even uncombed by this law that in theory they more interested in the adoption? There

clear conclusions. Hillary Clinton Carlos Salinas de Gortari y antes que ellos el propio Calderón, saben que en el PAN no hay nadie que pueda competir con éxito en la contienda presidencial de 2012. Como antes, como siempre, necesitan al PRI, para que éste garantice el dominio de la olinarquía nacional y extranjera durante seis años más. En otras palabras, Peña Nieto es ya el candidato de Calderón, y lo seguirá siendo después del próximo 3 de julio si retiene la gubernatura del estado de México. Porque si pierde en su propia cancha ante Alejandro Encinas y las fuerzas que simpatizan con López Obrador, Calderón tendrá que empezar a platicar con Manlio Fabio Beltrones.

Lo cierto, lo undeniable is that the United States and much less here, those who govern and those who obey not intended in any way, change economic policy or social policy, but neither plan to rectify its alleged war strategy, if one day had - drug trafficking.

the contrary, try to keep it and deepen it, so to justify the presence of armed forces in the streets, but soldiers, sailors and federal police have not been able to contain or stop this carnage now teaches a face new and even more terrible in narcofosas multiply that by all the country's north, but soon, there is no reason to doubt, will appear in the south.

horror Trash Bin

Now that Calderon Peña Nieto have shown their intention to preserve this violence, the campaign becomes more important no blood +, which from today will be extended and intensified, with a view to the concentration of Sunday May 8 at the Zocalo, which will host the silent walkers Cuernavaca, whose meeting was attended by thousands and thousands of the capital. That day, the good of all, must begin a new stage of struggle against the war stupid and hypocritical, we will only end when actual conditions of the olinarquía that feeds it is thrown from power.

Letter to the Romans

Tomorrow, Felipe Calderón Narcofosa attend a business meeting at the Vatican. Friends of Mexico in Rome, those who look with horror at the genocide that we have condemned to suffer indefinitely but we guarantee it now, will continue for many years could protest the primary responsibility for this catastrophe, mimicking, for example, the ingenious Cuernavaca and courageous activists who, a few days ago, the waters ran red from the source of the dove of peace.

Rome cari amici, is the city of fountains. To become a metaphor while a complaint by the bloodshed that strangles us, we need to implement a very simple procedure. To avoid poisoning the birds, bees, butterflies, but not to stray dogs and cats to quench their thirst by drinking water from public sources, the paint used Cuernavaca red currant plant, used to decorate cakes and environmentally friendly.

Imagine the effect achieved, friends, Romans, to show solidarity with our unfortunate country, if dyed the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona and Piazza di Spagna, and many more. At best, if they do and the press spreads in other major cities in Europe and Latin America, where Mexico has so many friends, other people might be encouraged to decorate the sources closest to his heart, for example, Boulevard Saint-Michelle at the subway exit of the same name in Paris, or the de Cibeles in the heart of Madrid, or beyond the Ramblas in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bor Cagancha Plaza in Montevideo, or the beautiful and always attended the Serrano Place in Buenos Aires, to name a few.

would be a tragic but beautiful way to remind the world-particularly poorer countries exporting to the United States through Mexican territory, where they are victims of the police, the narcos , organ traffickers and people, but also federal police and so on-that while the fresh water springs from the depths of the earth, stained with innocent blood to pass through the narcofosas , and sources should not obscure its beauty hypocritical what is happening to us.

Saving Private Peña Rocha

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Raider Helmet For Cake

mobilization to promote our state's Moreno Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Saturday 30. Let

flyers, distribute REGENERATION, putting up posters and invite the citizens Nuesto tion imposed join the Movement. Incidentally

hear some music with young people who ROCK REBEL RADIO enliven the event with his classic rock rolas, Chilean folk-rock and ska.

Add up the afternoon Obrador CHOLULA from 17:00 hrs.

Organizers: MORENA
Special Brigade of the Voting Section 1800 Citizen
Carrillo Puerto
Collective Labour Party Cholula
Banda Rebelde Rock Radio

Demand Ortiz Pinchetti openness and tolerance to the administration morenovallista

Secretary of Foreign Policy legitimate government, José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti / Rafael García Photo

Confirming that Andrés Manuel López Obrador Puebla visit next Saturday to present the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Secretary of Foreign Policy of the legitimate government, José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti, demanded openness and tolerance the administration of PAN governor Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas.

"For the sake of all you have to leave citizens to act freely to organize other political currents and build new political apparatus with which the people identify with it "he said.

In a media conference yesterday that led the state capital, acknowledged that the PRI government of Mario Marín Torres acted in a respectful and civilized to lopezobradorista movement.

never pushed a single act of repression, despite the difficult time undergone by the previous administration, said Ortiz Pinchetti, coordinator of Morena in Puebla, in allusion to the scandal of Lydia Cacho.

Former Secretary of Federal District Government said that Lopez Obrador will be in next Saturday capital Puebla to lead an informational meeting in the socket at 10 am, after which they depart to Tlaxcala to continue the dissemination of Morena.

The National Regeneration Movement, he said, has support committees in 208 of the 217 municipalities of the State branch committees as well as 1530 representing 60 percent of the state electoral districts, whose members

López Obrador leftist candidate López Obrador

be the presidential candidate of the PRD, PT and Convergence, guaranteed Ortiz Pinchetti, Marcelo Ebrard to ensure that end joining in the movement led by former prime minister of the Federal District.

While acknowledging that not all of the Aztec sun streams support the candidacy of López Obrador, the party entrusted resolve internal divisions before the federal election next year.

respect to the performance of Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), considered essential for political reform discussed in Congress provides for a restructuring that agency, which lost the confidence of citizens and parties since 2003.

"Bureaucracy deep institute, which is still controlled by Elba Esther Gordillo Morales and the PRI should be amended to be truly neutral and impartial in the electoral process. We can not go to the polls-in 2012 - with suspicions of the referee, "explained the former advisor to the Federal Electoral Institute.

The 10 points

Morena Morena offers 10 points for the transformation of Mexico, according to the brochures Pinchetti Ortiz gave the media during his visit to Puebla.

The project proposes a revolution of conscience and critical thinking, a State to serve the people, the democratization of access to the media and a Republican ethics and fighting corruption.

drives also create a new economy, to fight monopolies, abolish tax privileges, to promote the energy sector as a lever for development, attend camp to achieve food sovereignty, and establish a welfare state and social harmony.

Pa Renew Expired License

unemployment persists and reduced purchasing power, says

PAN governments, a lost decade for the workers: report
Patricia Muñoz Rios

The PAN governments decade is a lost decade for human rights work in Mexico and in this period -2000-2010 - was created only a fifth of the jobs he promised the administration of Felipe Calderón, was steadily declining relative permanent jobs, the buying power of the minimum wage was reduced to such an extent that now represents a quarter of that workers were in the late 70's, and multiplied the violations of freedom of association.

The 14 Report of Human Rights Violations in Mexico Labour, prepared by the Center for Labor Reflection and Action (CEREAL), raises concerns that the foregoing and for Mexican workers the decade of the National Action Party in government has meant suffering and indignity.

The document, presented yesterday to experts on the issue of labor rights, indicates that even 33 cases of violations of freedom of association during the presidency of Fox were taken, for the first time in the history of Mexico, subject to a hearing of the Commission American Human Rights (IACHR) of the OAS, and that the Calderon government could overcome the number of lawsuits filed by workers and unions to international organizations, in the absence of labor courts in Mexico.

Cereal research was discussed, among others, Alan Garcia Campos, of the Legal Unit and Analysis of the Mexico Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who said the crisis situation of insecurity and violence we live in the country has exacerbated the precarious situation of human rights and labor. Meanwhile, Manuel Fuentes, president of the National Association of Democratic Lawyers, added that instances of labor courts in Mexico are failed, they suffer from defects and limited staff.

The analysis also touches upon the performance of the labor secretary, Javier Lozano, of which he says have gone on hot spots on its ineffective management, noting that the task of staff has led, For example, in a really weak and directionless for the / workers Mexicana Airlines. He also argues that the secretary has been part in the event of a strike at Cananea, had contempt by the conflict of the Union Mexican Electricians and has lied regarding what happened at Pasta de Conchos.

As for the balance of this decade for the workers, the report notes that during this period were created in total only 2.1 million jobs (210 thousand a year on average, barely a fifth of the minimum required.) He also emphasizes that in this period has been committed State workplace violence, as documented decisions and positions of government policies affecting workers, has been unit labor justice the federal executive branch.

Coming Home

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Drunk Woman Molested On Train

real test of electoral fraud in 2006 1 / 13

Camillus Cuda Knife Gone In Si


The Dip. Gerardo Fernandez Norona calls to free men and women to protest the initiative of the National Security Act PRIAN, next Tuesday, April 26 at 11 am in door of visitors, which is located in Emiliano Zapata Street (where the Treasury) of the Chamber of Deputies , please take banner alluding to this new abuse that is intended to pass by the PRIAN, against human rights .

Low Neutrophils And Abnormal Ferratin

try to convene a special session in Congress to approve it warns

rejection of the labor reform of PRI-PAN, the main flag this May 1: UNT

The organization shall monitor the consultation on this initiative tricolor be genuine

Patricia Munoz Rios

The May Day march to commemorate International Labor Day anarbolará demand rejection of the labor reform of the PRI and the PAN. The independent labor sector will remain vigilant in their mobilization to stop this initiative, especially since there is no intent to convene a special legislative session with the intention to review and approve.

leaders of the National Union of Workers (UNT), Francisco Hernandez Juarez and Agustin Rodriguez, argued that this organization will be very aware of that the alleged consultation undertaken by the PRI on this reform will not be just a sham and that the slightest slip will propose a new period for approval.

Hernández Juárez said the Labour Day march carried multiple demands of work, because they have accumulated in this administration a series of insults to workers, ranging from a restrictive wage policy to loss by way of the facts labor rights, job insecurity and the attack on the independent sectors, such as electricians and miners.

However, workers will focus on rejection of labor reform that does not happen the project PRI and PAN. Or at least take away from the project tricolor those items that violate or affect the rights of workers, such as recruitment test, the legalization of outsourcing, the limitation of one year left in back pay, the imposing more obstacles to strikes and other power pop, "said the deputy also the Aztec sun.

The independent sector will continue mobilized to prevent the imposition of this reform, because although the PRI and PAN have the times were forced to carry out consultations on the initiative, since the September legislative session will be eminently election and will not be able to get around this project are moving forces in the House of Representatives to have a special session where the only item on the agenda is the reform, said the leader of the telephone.

Agustin Rodriguez said it is a priority for the workers reject the model proposed by the PRI initiative, so that one of the main flags mobilization of May will be the rejection of the reform of the tricolor , the which interestingly most interested in trying out are the PAN, which clearly speaks of favoring employers and affect the rights of workers, so which is an order of business groups in the country .

All calculated



is a virtual coup, warns Jaime Cárdenas Gracia

The PRI says it is willing to assume the political cost to adopt the initiative

Three traffic police of Guadalupe, Nuevo León, were killed Monday in two attacks allegedly perpetrated by the same command Reuters Photo
Enrique Méndez
newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday April 26, 2011, p. 2

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in the House of Representatives said he is willing to assume the political cost of adopting the National Security Act, a proposal from the Ministry of National Defense, gives the President of the Republic assignment with the Army to quell social movements, political, labor and election, and declare a state of emergency or entities regions.

Along with National Action, the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) confirmed that since the Political Coordination Board manages with the commissions of Defence, Public Security, Justice, Human Rights and Governance to only one or two of them vote on opinion and pave the rest, to try to vote this week.

However, the board was considered unlikely that the document to the full in the current session, due to the dissatisfaction that has resulted in the rest of the benches.

At a press conference, Alfonso Navarrete Prida (PRI) said that his parliamentary group is willing to assume the political costs of voting reform that, as reported by this newspaper last week, would enable the use of troops when it considers that its internal security risk. Even the PRI added that if the operating committed abuses against civilians, it is the responsibility of the authority that apply and not the result of a law.

At the end of the second meeting yesterday to assess the proposal Navarrete Prida substantially altering the bill in the Senate, deputies of the parties of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Labor (PT) and Green Ecology of Mexico (PVEM) reported that requested change Article 74, Section VII, the second paragraph of the draft opinion, because as is raised opens the door for military action against civil unrest.

That paragraph says: No such declaration of involvement in internal security when the request has its origin or cause to comply with requests or orders issued by administrative authorities or work, nor will proceed by movements or actions related to conflicts political, electoral or social, except when the actions resulting therefrom constitute a challenge or threat in terms of Article 3 of the Act. According

Navarrete Prida, the wording "walk in the intention to ban the armed forces to suppress a peaceful protest and civil ... unless a question of breaching them and constitute an obstacle or threat" to security.

In contrast, the president of the Committee on Civil Service and Secretary of Defense Paul Escudero (PVEM), noted that the comments to the text of Navarrete was stressed very clear that the military can not undertake demonstrations civilians.

also must be clearly specified in the declaration of involvement in internal security can not be suspended individual rights said. Teresa

Incháustegui (PRD), secretary of the Public Safety Commission, said that if the PRI and PAN claim that the opinion will vote only for a fee, you must first join the boards of the five that have the minutes. Otherwise, the PCB has no ability to exclude three or four of the commission, unless you want to override the rules he said.

said that even if the PRI and PAN benches argued yesterday that there locks on the proposal to prevent the violation of human rights obviously they want to criminalize social movements also no guarantee of respect for individual rights, and rights are subject to the protocol of the declaration risk to internal security.

Incháustegui said it would be an absurdity that even with the risk that these provisions represent, PRI and PAN apply a mechanical majority to approve the report.

Meanwhile, Jaime Cárdenas Gracia (PT) considered that the document contains at least four constitutional deficiencies. First, the National Security Council, will also take decisions regarding the declaration of state of emergency is not subject to review, and agreements could not be fought with a constitutional controversy.

Second, the preamble includes a very loose definition of the status of war and peace, to assume that there is an intermediate stage with justifying military intervention.

Third, the possibility of federal executive intervention operating Army and Navy without consultation with governors, state congress and municipal presidents.

And fourth, the implementation of arrests, interrogations of civilians, raids, checkpoints and investigation and prosecution of crimes, are exclusive powers of the Attorney General.

Moreover, butts up to the powers are the Federal Electoral Institute, considering that the national council carry out campaigns of democratic culture, which correspond to the electoral authority said.

Former electoral adviser said, in short, as proposed to the draft opinion immense power granted to the Executive and the National Security Council and would be a coup, also because the President may order the military intervention in urgent situations, without the permission of Congress .


Thursday, AMLO begins a tour through several states

Enrique Méndez

Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that on Thursday launched in Morelia, Michoacán, a tour around the country to assess progress in building the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), and the tour will conclude with a concentration on 5 June at Zócalo at 10 am.

In his weekly address, López Obrador said that it is performing assessment meetings, detailed movement is shaped from below and with the participation of free citizens, conscious of good will and work every day for the country's transformation.

is that every woman, every man of conscience do its part in that we all save Mexico. Go on to national regeneration, with much enthusiasm, we are right we will achieve the rebirth of the country. That is the challenge and we will make it he said.

explained that next Thursday will begin the first part of the tour, which includes 10 states in Morelia, with an informational meeting at seven o'clock in the night, the next day, the former presidential candidate will be in Pachuca, at the same time.

The tour will continue on April 30 in Puebla, at 11 am, and six in the afternoon will be present in Tlaxcala. On Sunday May travel to Chilpancingo, Guerrero, and seven in the evening is planning a rally in Cuernavaca, Morelos.

All these actions will be carried out in the main public and follow me. Next week we will be in Tapachula and Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, and then in Villahermosa, Tabasco, in the capital of Campeche, Quintana Roo, go to Cancun, and we will make this tour across the country to conclude on June 5 with a ceremony in the Zocalo he said.

The essence of mergers, described Lopez Obrador, is to meet with members of the branch committees of the movement he heads and all those who have agreed to true agents of change.