try to convene a special session in Congress to approve it warns
The organization shall monitor the consultation on this initiative tricolor be genuine
The May Day march to commemorate International Labor Day anarbolará demand rejection of the labor reform of the PRI and the PAN. The independent labor sector
will remain vigilant in their mobilization to stop this initiative, especially since there is no intent to convene a special legislative session with the intention to review and approve.
leaders of the National Union of Workers (UNT), Francisco Hernandez Juarez and Agustin Rodriguez, argued that this organization will be very aware of that the alleged consultation undertaken by the PRI on this reform will not be just a sham and that the slightest slip will propose a new period for approval.
Hernández Juárez said the Labour Day march carried multiple demands of work, because they have accumulated in this administration a series of insults to workers, ranging from a restrictive wage policy to loss by way of the facts labor rights, job insecurity and the attack on the independent sectors, such as electricians and miners.
However, workers will focus on rejection of labor reform that does not happen the project
PRI and PAN. Or at least take away from the project tricolor those items that violate or affect the rights of workers, such as recruitment test, the legalization of outsourcing, the limitation of one year left in back pay, the imposing more obstacles to strikes and other power pop, "said the deputy also the Aztec sun.
The independent sector will continue mobilized to prevent the imposition of this reform, because although the PRI and PAN have the times were forced to carry out consultations on the initiative, since the September legislative session will be eminently election and will not be able to get around this project are moving forces in the House of Representatives to have a special session where the only item on the agenda is the reform, said the leader of the telephone.
Agustin Rodriguez said it is a priority for the workers reject the model proposed by the PRI initiative, so that one of the main flags mobilization of May will be the rejection of the reform of the tricolor , the which interestingly most interested in trying out are the PAN, which clearly speaks of favoring employers and affect the rights of workers, so which is an order of business groups in the country
The PRI says it is willing to assume the political cost to adopt the initiative
Tuesday April 26, 2011, p. 2
The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in the House of Representatives said he is willing to assume the political cost of adopting the National Security Act, a proposal from the Ministry of National Defense, gives the President of the Republic assignment with the Army to quell social movements, political, labor and election, and declare a state of emergency or entities regions.
Along with National Action, the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) confirmed that since the Political Coordination Board manages
with the commissions of Defence, Public Security, Justice, Human Rights and Governance to only one or two of them vote on opinion and pave the rest, to try to vote this week.
However, the board was considered unlikely that the document to the full in the current session, due to the dissatisfaction that has resulted in the rest of the benches.
At a press conference, Alfonso Navarrete Prida (PRI) said that his parliamentary group is willing to assume the political costs of voting reform that, as reported by this newspaper last week, would enable the use of troops when it considers that its internal security risk. Even the PRI added that if the operating committed abuses against civilians, it is the responsibility of the authority that apply and not the result of a law.
At the end of the second meeting yesterday to assess the proposal Navarrete Prida substantially altering the bill in the Senate, deputies of the parties of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Labor (PT) and Green Ecology of Mexico (PVEM) reported that requested change Article 74, Section VII, the second paragraph of the draft opinion, because as is raised opens the door for military action against civil unrest.
That paragraph says: No such declaration of involvement in internal security when the request has its origin or cause to comply with requests or orders issued by administrative authorities or work, nor will proceed by movements or actions related to conflicts political, electoral or social, except when the actions resulting therefrom constitute a challenge or threat in terms of Article 3 of the Act.
Navarrete Prida, the wording "walk in the intention to ban the armed forces to suppress a peaceful protest and civil ... unless a question of breaching them and constitute an obstacle or threat" to security.
In contrast, the president of the Committee on Civil Service and Secretary of Defense Paul Escudero (PVEM), noted that the comments to the text of Navarrete was stressed very clear that the military can not undertake demonstrations civilians.
also must be clearly specified in the declaration of involvement in internal security can not be suspended individual rights
said. Teresa
Incháustegui (PRD), secretary of the Public Safety Commission, said that if the PRI and PAN claim that the opinion will vote only for a fee, you must first join the boards of the five that have the minutes. Otherwise, the PCB has no ability to exclude three or four of the commission, unless you want to override the rules
he said.
said that even if the PRI and PAN benches argued yesterday that there locks on the proposal to prevent the violation of human rights obviously they want to criminalize social movements also no guarantee of respect for individual rights, and rights are subject to the protocol of the declaration
risk to internal security.
Incháustegui said it would be an absurdity that even with the risk that these provisions represent, PRI and PAN apply a mechanical majority to approve the report.
Meanwhile, Jaime Cárdenas Gracia (PT) considered that the document contains at least four constitutional deficiencies. First, the National Security Council, will also take decisions regarding the declaration of state of emergency is not subject to review, and agreements could not be fought with a constitutional controversy.
Second, the preamble includes a very loose definition of the status of war and peace, to assume that there is an intermediate stage
with justifying military intervention.
Third, the possibility of federal executive intervention operating Army and Navy without consultation with governors, state congress and municipal presidents.
And fourth, the implementation of arrests, interrogations of civilians, raids, checkpoints and investigation and prosecution of crimes, are exclusive powers of the Attorney General.
Moreover, butts up to the powers are the Federal Electoral Institute, considering that the national council carry out campaigns of democratic culture, which correspond to the electoral authority
Former electoral adviser said, in short, as proposed to the draft opinion immense power granted to the Executive and the National Security Council and would be a coup, also because the President may order the military intervention in urgent situations, without the permission of Congress
Thursday, AMLO begins a tour through several states
Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that on Thursday launched in Morelia, Michoacán, a tour around the country to assess progress in building the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), and the tour will conclude with a concentration on 5 June at Zócalo at 10 am.
In his weekly address, López Obrador said that it is performing assessment meetings, detailed movement is shaped from below and with the participation of free citizens, conscious of good will and work every day for the country's transformation.
is that every woman, every man of conscience do its part in that we all save Mexico. Go on to national regeneration, with much enthusiasm, we are right we will achieve the rebirth of the country. That is the challenge and we will make it
he said.
explained that next Thursday will begin the first part of the tour, which includes 10 states in Morelia, with an informational meeting at seven o'clock in the night, the next day, the former presidential candidate will be in Pachuca, at the same time.
The tour will continue on April 30 in Puebla, at 11 am, and six in the afternoon will be present in Tlaxcala. On Sunday May travel to Chilpancingo, Guerrero, and seven in the evening is planning a rally in Cuernavaca, Morelos.
All these actions will be carried out in the main public and follow me. Next week we will be in Tapachula and Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, and then in Villahermosa, Tabasco, in the capital of Campeche, Quintana Roo, go to Cancun, and we will make this tour across the country to conclude on June 5 with a ceremony in the Zocalo
he said.
The essence of mergers, described Lopez Obrador, is to meet with members of the branch committees of the movement he heads and all those who have agreed to
true agents of change.
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