poblanos Invitation to all:
Tomorrow protest against labor reform all the PRI-AN
organize and invite :
Radio Rebelde Rock Citizen
Carrillo Puerto
Collective Labour Party of San Pedro Cholula
(the PT doers, not Salinas) _______________________________________
It paves the way to win in the State of Mexico and then the presidency, says
asks his followers not to be shielded by the corrupt PRI
Metepec, State of Mexico., 8 April. Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the move is not an alliance between the PRD and PAN for the governorship of the state of Mexico, paving the way for back to win the Presidency of the Republic
in 2012.
In an interview, warned that is a plan that is being implemented Carlos Salinas de Gortari, in coordination with Televisa, to impose the next president of Mexico
, referring to Enrique Peña Nieto. But first going to win here in the state Mexico, and then we will win the Presidency of the Mafia's power
he said.
-Al prevented the alliance with the PAN, is paving the way for this route you suggest?
"Yes, because it would confuse people with this alliance, as the PRI and PAN are the same," he replied.
What I know is that candidate Alejandro Encinas is PT, PRD and Convergencia
, with support from the National Regeneration Movement. So yes there unity of all progressive forces to beat the Mafia's power in the state of Mexico
said yesterday that the National Council will vote whether Aztec sun accepted the coalition with whitish mexiquenses for elections of July 3.
A-supporters gathered at meetings held in constituencies and Toluca-Metepec, López Obrador asked to work and not be shielded by these corrupt PRI, who were going to get
time at the polls in entity.
We will continue to find, because this is just beginning. We'll beat back the Presidency of the Republic in July 2012.
In their speeches, the alliance welcomed the PRD leaders wanted to do with the PAN to the election mexiquenses and journeyed not. It will soon go into the dustbin of history
Instead, he stressed, "is going to build a coalition between the PRD, PT and Convergence with Encinas as a candidate. MP praised the licensee had put her ideals and dignity to offer that made him from Los Pinos to be bearer of the PRD and the PAN.
"Any other ambitious politician, vulgar, leaves mouth. Calderon would be saying: 'Yes, Mr. President, I am a soldier of you, we will participate.' "
stated that if it is found that Peña Nieto is a man of integrity honest, socially sensitive, electoral competition would be different, but what else is Peña Nieto? A mediocre governor and a thief, so let us not impress. Come forward. Remember that the chiefs last until the people want.
Encinas clarified that continues not accompanying him on this tour of constituencies because it restricted the pre-campaign period to 10 days, and it concluded on Wednesday. So I will be in season from May 15 for five weeks.
Along the way, the former presidential candidate was calling to lead the rally Thursday at 11 am in front of the House of Representatives to prevent the adoption of the amendment to the Federal Labour Act, proposed by the PRI and supported by the PAN. ____________________________________
any intention to Albaz legislativeintended to approve amendments to the Federal Labour Law. Obsequious
with business leaders. The teachers marched to the offices of the ISSSTE (pictured), where he struggled with police, as well as Interior and SEP. In Bucareli delivered a national list of demands, demanding better pay Photo Carlos Cisneros
The scope of this discussion has involved specialists, academics, trade unionists and grassroots workers. We resume of his own voice some of their conclusions:
1. The proposals of the PRI and PAN to release the contract, promoting temporary jobs, linking wages to productivity bonuses, restricted the right of association and encourage free dismissal, workers loading the cost of slow labor trials, are not conducive to job creation or productivity, purported justification for such initiatives. On the contrary, will generate greater insecurity, reduction in levels of stability and protection of employment and a future even more difficult for new generations. Their proposals have no economic rationale and legal and are deeply unfair.
2. Although they are apparently different, the proposals of PRI and PAN are essentially equal in their key elements, and are based on a misdiagnosis on pay and conditions of the labor market, the latter extremely flexible and subject to a great rotation. Ignore the fact that wages in Mexico are extremely low. This is established easily by its inability to meet basic needs, in addition, compared with other countries, our minimum wage is several times lower than in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, two thirds of the population earn less than three minimum wages and employment contracted by 40 and comprises percent.
3. The labor reform can not breach the international commitments of our country, especially the International Labour Organization. The proposal to share PRI and PAN rejects the recommendations generated by this organization, which has urged the government to abolish the association and control mechanisms to ensure the participation of workers in recruitment Collectively, today subject to vicious behavior through collective agreements to protect employers who have been subjected to growing criticism. He was right in the preamble of the PRI labor reform initiative of last December 15 "... on union registration seeks to approach the concerns and commitments that Mexico has taken internationally in this field, for it simplifies the process of union registration and specifically eliminates any power, express or implied, that the authorities might have had to register the birth and life inhibit the unions. " Too bad the same deputies who signed radically change the text of opinion seven weeks later.
4. The PRI and PAN initiatives on subcontracting destroy established across the protective nature of the Federal Labor Law, break with the principles of management responsibility and equal pay, are aimed solely at protecting the minimum rights, which generates a displacement down on working conditions, do not consider this route of hiring should be exceptional and specialized work and do not address the so-called insourcing , namely in-sourcing, which occurs through the artificial creation social or business reasons service called
, which already cover a large number of workplaces and even whole sectors in our country. It is unfortunate change of position by the PRI, by removing the inspection work as a means of monitoring and supervision, it also removes the presumption of intentional work when they move employees from one company to another with the intention to reduce wages and to punish the original proposal under criminal law criminal behavior, at the end, it came down to a simple administrative error.
argument should recover the PRI legislators December 15 "... are all forms of employers' organization to reduce labor relations operating conditions inadmissible because they violate the most basic rights of workers in precarious jobs become formal through the systems of subcontracting, outsourcing or outsourcing , that are aimed at employers to avoid responsibility are expressly provided for in Article 123 of the Constitution and Federal Labor Law, which in its third article states that the work can not be considered an article of commerce. However, the contracts between utilities and reduce the work receiving goods to an object of commercial transaction. " Article 15 bis of the second version of the bill contradicts the PRI held a few weeks earlier.
5. There are other ways to improve productivity, increase employment and better wages. This has been demonstrated by other countries that have guided economic policy for the domestic market and have provided consultation and coordination and productive dialogue between democratically organized workers, government officials and entrepreneurs who are focused on improving the living conditions of people. A central aspect is that there is a fair and efficient labor authority, subject to the proposed PRI-PAN ignores, punishing workers by limiting the payment of back wages and making more attractive the unfair dismissal.
A valuable outcome of these forums concerning the need to build unity among employees beyond acronyms, to defend the value of their work and the future of their children.
The fourth year increase in petrol and diesel went into effect this Saturday, April 9, reported the Mexican Association of Business Petrol (Amega). Magna gasoline and diesel will cost eight cents more per liter, to be sold at 9.08 and 9.44 pesos, respectively. While the increase in premium gasoline was four cents on the price set last month, so it will be sold at 10.26 pesos. With these new prices, the Mexicans will have to pay 95.2 pesos disbursed more than when he began the government of Felipe Calderon if they want to fill with 40 gallons of gasoline tank magna a compact car or 100 pesos for 50 liters of premium gasoline for a newer vehicle. Only so far in 2011, the accumulated magna rise 3.6 percent, diesel by 3.5 percent and 1.5 percent premium. _______________________________________
About half earn between 1 and 3 minimum wages, 56.7% had no legal benefits
precarious enough, the use of Mexican youth: SEP
Most find work as something that gives
to live, not as a means of satisfaction, study
few college graduates
Mexican youth do not see the work as a means of satisfaction, but as something that gives to live
. The vast majority lower income and lack of benefits.
Regarding the minimum wage, more than 14 million youth in the country (between 12 and 29 years of age) with any occupation, about 50 percent receives from one to three of these salaries, 14.5 wins less than one, 20.8 receives three to five, to 11.7 paid over a five and 7.3 percent is not paid for their work.
The above are results of a recent study (2010) prepared by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), which was presented at a seminar on youth and adolescents conducted at the National University Autonoma de Mexico.
The study shows that the vast majority of young people from 12 to 29 years working with very poor working conditions
addition, the total of young people who have a job, 56.7 per cent have no legal benefits, 35.2 have access to health care institutions and has other benefits, six percent have no services in these institutions, but does have some benefit , while only 2.1 percent have health services in public schools.
Of the 34.9 million youths aged 12 to 29 years of age living in Mexico, 12.7 million (36.4 percent) only studies, 2.7 (7.7 percent) studies and works, 12.1 (34.7 percent) only works and 7.5 million are neither studying nor working.
Based on information from the most recent survey of security, the Secretary of Higher Education, Rodolfo Tuiran, indicated that 84.5 percent of young people think without good contacts is difficult to thrive
; 95.2 is considered significant savings; 92.1 ensures that the most important work is that enough to live; 91.3 states that had money rather start their own business to continue as an employee and 51.2 confesses that excites you take risks and do not panic.
addictions and lack of employment and educational opportunities as the main problems they face, but also include conflicts of family and social integration and loneliness, among others.
Thus, 70.9 percent said the problems with drugs and alcohol, 28.5 percent spoke of lack of work; 14.2 located few opportunities to study, 13.7 mentions the family and couple relationships, and 15.8 percent said violence, loneliness and sadness, among others.
According to information submitted by the SEP, increasingly is completed basic education, secondary and higher; however, points out, this is still insufficient.
illustrates: while in 1990 100 students who years earlier had entered elementary school, 93 completed it, 64 had completed high school, 34 and 14 high school graduation. In 2010, for every 100 young people were placed in elementary school in previous years, 97 completed it, 81 graduated from high school, 49 completed high school education and 21 completed the race.
The data reveals that as they advance in levels of study, it is increasingly difficult for young low-income families to stay in school. Thus, almost 60 percent of students basic education is at the top four income deciles (the lowest), in contrast, in higher education represent only 19 percent of those from the economic level.
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