Sunday, April 17, 2011

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THE Workers' Party of San Pedro Cholula fully active dissemination activities Tan and our National leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador


Jose Revueltas (Mexican writer)

is turning 35 years after the death of Jose Revueltas, from 15 years was a member of the left, at 16 was sent to jail the criminal Marias Islands, also would be imprisoned in jail and Lecumberri Belen where he writes the novel ananda. belonged to the Communist Party but was expelled for criticizing the party bureaucracy. He founded the Spartacus League and was active in the Socialist People's Party which also ...


Meeting brigade movement and supporters of Obrador of the District 10 state and district coordinators of MORENA

advances were evaluated for special teams in the district and preparatory actions for the regional meeting April 30 with AMLO, the part of Mr. José Agustín Pinchetti and Mr. José Luis Rosas


The Tabasco urges the President to rectify the anti-crime fight

Calderon emotionally upset, says Lopez Obrador

During Saturday's visit to the municipality of Nezahualcoyotl State of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador greeted young Photo La Jornada
Alma E. Muñoz

Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico., April 16. Andrés Manuel López Obrador Felipe Calderon urged calm down, because I see emotionally upset and blaming everyone for the failure of the strategy to combat organized crime.

I heard yesterday [Friday] in radio, is very upset, he's desperate and does not lead to anything good ... Hopefully hear, is in a very difficult emotional situation and if an ordinary citizen would have no problem, but he is holding the Presidency of the Republic.

Interviewed during the tour called loyalty, said the situation itself is very serious and [Calderon] is losing a lot of authority, is running out of respect for anything. Every time it says the same thing I see in the newspaper, even those who want to help because they can not support .

insisted: He command say good plan, you relax and review the strategy, you are putting the country, the people and the suffering of the people, it is wise to correct, can not be complacent can not a bask in the stubbornness. If the strategy does not work, change .

Calderón said that everyone is guilty except him, the man who hit a club to fool the nest and now she wants to blame everyone, says up to blame the apathetic or indifferent .

questioned who did not take into account the degree of corruption that prevails in the three levels of government, particularly in the police order, but maintains there people of dubious reputation, as [Genaro] García Luna [head of Public Security ], which was able to mount a stage in the case of the French [Florence Cassez] .

Since then he had run because honesty does not allow those things , but worst thing [is that Calderón] remains the same economic policy, there is no economic growth, not creating jobs, not treated young people, then your strategy is wrong .

commented that on Friday welcomed the address by Calderón. He clarified that he had no time to listen. saw the paper over to see what he says, where to walk and Friday overheard him and yes I was worried . It

Clearly, he said, that the strategy has been applied result and has caused much harm, then that is serene and without that emotional state is very upset, want to continue in the same when it is affecting many people; I hear there is another option, alternatives .

criticized the PAN say is that some people want the government to withdraw from the fight against drug trafficking, violence , when "no one is asking for that.

"Who in their right mind or a little light on the forehead will ask the government to abdicate? No, nobody is asking for that. I have not heard anyone saying 'You know what, as the government withdraws. " No, the point is that his strategy is flawed from the beginning.

What I hope, what I wish is that there are still no more killing, more suffering, more violence. I say it sincerely.

The four assemblies held by as many constituencies of Nezahualcoyotl, López Obrador said again that PRD, PT and Convergencia coalition to go in the gubernatorial elections in the state of Mexico, as a candidate Alejandro Encinas. ___________________________________________

Awakening Be


mother José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti
dissatisfied Mexicans have entered the high-sounding political rhetoric expression: what does it mean to mother? It is not only rude but exasperated phrase. Perhaps the Royal Academy in 50 years, admitted as Mexicans. Involves coming to high, up to the cap, to the crest, I filled the dish ... to be so deep cove mother, invited to investigate philologists and anthropologists. Someday I will organize a symposium to explain.

Is understandable that the government keep us up to the mother? Calderón disagree. In response to the demonstration led by the poet Javier Sicilia to protest the terrible murder of one of his sons and other young people want to answer ... The mother is to me (see Magoo. La Jornada, 14 / 4 / 11) but aides forced him to give an answer less sincere and benevolent to a business group demanded that the protest was against the criminals and not against the authorities. This reply shows that Philip should not pass their exam of state theory in the Meritorious Free School of law, because everyone knows it's the government, not organized crime, the responsibility of ensuring the safety of individuals. Calderon should not forget that the war was launched not to fight crime, but to try to legitimize after election fraud.

The glut of people is not only due to the failure of the fight against crime but the collapse of Mexico under the current government, which is evident not only in the figures on the size of the economy, GDP per capita, human development index, education, but what people suffer in their daily lives. The worst thing is that the government not accept the facts. Lies, evades its responsibilities, blaming others and this irritates even more. Perceive that the war against cartels is a company that meets the government on behalf of the Americans, whose costs, each taller, absorb us. We also know that, as stated by Lorenzo Meyer, will not gain as governments do not control the flow of money from criminal organizations and while the U.S. does not prevent the massive traffic of arms into Mexico.

should ask how much people can endure weariness. How much irritation can handle the institutions? How much discontent can manipulate the media? We approach the presidential election with the final crisis of a system that is rotten to the mother.


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