The left can not allow legislation that lays the groundwork for a military state
Sunday newspaper La Jornada April 24 2011, p. 5
The PRD and PT benches in the House of Representatives reported that prepares a Albaz , to approve on an accelerated basis, the few remaining sessions at regular period, reforms to the National Security Act with that will create a military regime similar to that operated in the Chile of Pinochet and violates the Constitution on fundamental principles that have to do with civil liberties.
PRD lawmaker Teresa PT Encháustegui and Mario di Costanzo agreed that the only possibility that is not approved in San Lazaro that opinion giving the army powers beyond those defined in the Constitution, is that part of the PRI caucus oppose the project that lawmakers related to Enrique Peña Nieto negotiated with President Felipe Calderón and the Secretary of Defense, Guillermo Galván Galván.
Interviewed separately, both legislators also agreed that the left can not allow legislation that violates the constitutional guarantees and lays the groundwork for a military state under the pretext of giving the federal government additional tools to pursue its failed strategy against organized crime
In a context in which the armed forces have committed numerous human rights violations in who have shot and killed civilians just because they did not stop at checkpoints, it would be very serious reform was passed that empowered the Federal Executive to act as if they live a state of emergency, Di Costanzo stressed.
noted that he had information that the PRI and PAN are planning to sit until the last day of the period, on Saturday 30, to get that opinion submitted by the State of Mexico Alfonso Navarrete Prida PRI. Encháustegui noted that the drivers of these changes to the bill the Senate will surely try majoritarian next Monday to approve only the Defence Committee of the project and leave out the four other consultative commission.
stressed that the PRD does not believe that all members of the PRI endorse that opinion, it is an affront
for senators, including the tricolor since rejected the changes that were made in Xicoténcatl a presidential initiative. confident that the PRI that have to his credit the smooth transition in the national history, the passage of military to civilian rule in the 1940's, reject this outrageous
Di Costanzo considered
evident that there is an agreement between Members of the tricolor related Pena Nieto Calderon, with a view to 2012 and has accelerated the legislative process to prevent the public to digest and reject it. Although, he said, Navarrete Prida and compels all members of the Defence Committee are bowed before the general
Galván, the only hope that will not happen is that some of the PRI reject it.
Secretary of the Committee of Public Safety, Encháustegui stated that his party is unacceptable to the changes they made PRI and PAN to the minutes. We are in favor of a policy to combat organized crime including the participation of the Army, but with time limits and without which violates the Constitution.
exhibited in the opinion of the Defence Committee is empowered to enact a federal executive involvement in internal security, that is nothing to declare states of emergency, where information is considered secret
He noted that Article 21 sets forth that up
mind of a mother to one of the security officials will retaliate and will consider someone who does it hampers the national project. Here one wonders, stressed, what project relate to the current government?
Di Costanzo added that it is a regression too large for the country because the military may question citizens on the street, check your belongings, integrate confidential files for political purposes, using anonymous witnesses, is the legalization of michoacanazo . " In general, give weapons to the Army to move to a totalitarian state and empower them to go against social movements, labor or electoral. ____________________________________________

Andrés Manuel López Obrador
MORENA national regeneration movement
Assemblies with Real Change Starring
6 PM. Plaza Melchor Ocampo, Morelia.
Friday, April 29
6 PM. Plaza Juárez, Pachuca.
11 AM. Zocalo Puebla. TLAXCALA
6 PM. Constitution Square, the city of Tlaxcala.
11 AM. Civic Plaza First Congress of Anahuac, Chilpancingo. MORELOS
6 PM. Zocalo Cuernavaca.
6 PM Central Park Miguel Hidalgo, Tapachula.
6 PM. Morelos Park, Bicentennial, Tuxtla Gutierrez.
6 PM. Plaza de Armas in Zacatecas, Zacatecas.
AGUASCALIENTES 6 PM. Plaza de la Patria, Aguascalientes.
6 PM. Plaza de Armas. Av Corona and Morelos, Centro Historico, Guadalajara.
11 AM. Eight Plaza Hidalgo, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.
11 AM. Founders Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Potosi.
11 AM. Esplanade of the Corn Exchange Granaditas, Guanajuato, Guanajuato. QUERETARO
6 PM. Garden Plaza Guerrero, Centro Historico, Queretaro
Freedom Garden, Colima.
6 PM. Central Park, Calle 16 de Septiembre, in front of City Hall Juchitán Zaragoza.
6 PM. Independence Park, Coatzacoalcos.
6 PM. Parque Independencia, Veracruz.
11 AM. Plaza de Armas, Centro de Saltillo, between Cathedral and Government Palace.
6 PM. Macro Plaza, Plaza de los Heroes, Monterrey.
5 PM. Plaza Lerdo, Xalapa.
6 PM. Calle 2a. and Order, downtown Tijuana.
6 PM. Emiliana de Zubeldia Plaza, Boulevard and Boulevard Rino Rosales, Hermosillo.
11 AM. Avenida Obregon facing to Cathedral, Culiacan. NAYARIT
6 PM. Main Plaza in front of Catedral de Tepic.
1 PM. Durango Plaza de Armas. COAHUILA
6 PM. Alameda Central, opposite the Source
The Thinker, Torreón.
Attend and participate!
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
MORENA national regeneration movement Ecatepec de Morelos
Assemblies with Real Change Starring
_____________________________________________ Last survivor of the Popular Party, which attacked In 1965 Wooden barracks
Ciudad Juárez, Chih., April 23. Last Friday, family and friends paid tribute to Salvador Gaytan Aguirre and then buried along with 15 guerrillas early on September 23, 1965 125 soldiers attacked military barracks stationed in the town of Madera. Sunday 17
activist joined the caravan by 68 do not forget and left his native land-Wood-to Ciudad Obregon, Sonora. In that state calling at Huatabampo, was hit by a truck that fled the scene, moments later died in hospital.
The body of the last survivor of the People's Guerrilla Group, which later became the Communist League September 23, was taken two days ago in a Cessna Chihuahuan government at the head of the town, nestled in the mountains, whose track landing it received dozens of relatives, friends and activists. Wood published the newspaper .
before burial in the local cemetery, the PRI mayor of Wood, Gilberto Estrada, led a tribute after the Mass celebrated in the cathedral. Former members of revolutionary groups Gaytán Aguirre exalted as one of the fighters that marked the emergence of socialist armed struggle in Mexico, along with eight lines and other six survivors of the attack on the barracks of wood, which also killed a lieutenant, two sergeants and three soldiers.
The rebels attacked with grenades, petrol bombs, shotguns and rifles. The soldiers responded with machine guns and M-1 rifles, and finalized the rural teacher Gámiz Arturo Garcia, leader of the group, his deputy and doctor, Pablo Gomez Ramirez as his fellow professor and Miguel Quinones and Rafael Hernández Valdivia.
Some participants recalled that the assault was preceded by guerrilla actions, which included the destruction of a bridge in February 1964, the implementation the farmer and chief Florentino Ibarra following March, the burning of a radio station in April , the group ambushed a police state in July and the year after the attack on a platoon of 52 Battalion of Infantry in the mountains of Madeira.
According to reports, Solomon Gaytán Florentino Ibarra killed but his brother Salvador, who was branch president of the Mineral de Dolores in the municipality, was recorded as the mastermind and imprisoned several days. Retaliation and the price set on his head made him flee to the mountains, along with several farmers, and declared in default.
According to friends, Gaytan Aguirre was a member of People's Guerrilla Group with Gámiz and Pablo Arturo Gomez, namesake of the current PRD senator. "I never gave up his ideals and last December, and 79 years participated in the Climate Forum in Cancun, Quintana Roo, recalled.
the Sunday before the caravan left with seeking to rescue the memory of the fighting in Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Sonora. Moments later the convoy of vehicles came to town of Quiriego of the latter state and in the afternoon to Huatabampo, where the accident happened when a sister Luz Maria Aguilar-Terres, another protester was injured. ________________________________________
The idea, present in LA thinking of the heroes that made up, say
Relatives of the founding fathers sought concrete projects; already signed an agreement with the GDF for joint work on disclosure of the life and work of general
between Mexico and Nicaragua, Zapata, Sandino's Villa and have begun to form a coalition
. The reason, the need to return at present the values \u200b\u200band ideals of social justice of his famous ancestors and other American heroes who have influenced the history of their countries.
Western democracy is becoming very outdated and limited. You need to recognize alternative democracies such as the Zapatistas in Chiapas pose, other forms of civic organization; los valores de otros grupos y minorías, que no han tenido espacios para expresarse y opinar
, dice el profesor y promotor de la cultura juvenil urbana Agustín Villa, nieto del Centauro del Norte.
La visión de Villa, Zapata y Sandino es más amplia que la democracia formal. Desde un concepto de las minorías, los chavos, los indígenas y otros sectores deben organizarse
, señala el también integrante de la asociación civil Enlace Cultural Villa-Zapata.
Son muchos los proyectos concretos que buscarán impulsar los nietos y demás familiares y simpatizantes de los generales Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa y el nicaragüense Augusto César Sandino, and the creation of a foundation that supports their efforts.
Other projects include the creation, in Managua, a museum dedicated to General
free men and integration into the coalition of relatives of other heroes, such as the Salvadoran Farabundo Martí, Salvador Allende the Chilean or Argentinean-Cuban Ernesto Che Guevara.
Villa also reports that the emerging coalition signed an agreement with the Federal District Government (GDF) to work jointly, as print books and other documents about the life, work and ideas of the three general.
Accompanied by Walter Sandino and Mario Castillo Zepeda-grandson of Pedro José Zepeda, international representative of the Nicaraguan guerrilla, who lived with his family in Mexico, Agustin Villa says: The approach is to continue the ideas and support to grandparents Latin America with a strong ideological about the heroes that formed
gives the example of the effect of the three fighters who, while not claiming the issue of environmental pollution that way, it was not a problem discussed at the time, their own agricultural projects raised the need for that man has to be closely linked to nature and to know how to use social use of products of the earth. They conceived the world differently
Villa abounds, said that the coalition will try to move forward with the support of researchers, scientists and sociologists to try to adapt the ideas of our forefathers to the present situation
. For example, he says, is only valid Emiliano Zapata recurrence of the Zapatista National Liberation Army, as this organization advocates issues as the autonomy of indigenous peoples.
Sandino The Villa and met last year in Spain for some activities related to their famous relatives. After participating in an academic ceremony in Nicaragua, now just concluded here in Mexico City, an international symposium dedicated to the three revolutionaries, which Mexican investigators also took part.
This is part of the celebrations for the centenary of the Mexican Revolution, which for us did not end in 2010 because we will follow the lives of Zapata and Villa, assassinated in 1919 and 1923
says the grandson of the head of the Northern Division.
Ideals of them fall well in these times of crisis of values \u200b\u200bon especially in the younger generation. The guys bring to Villa, Zapata and Sandino on their shirts, but this one must know more because it strengthens national unity, the criticism of the current neo-liberal view that the capital should have a social function. The money is not just for enjoyment, but for education, culture, arts and sports.
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