The Working Committee in the House of Representatives rule seeks to reform holy week for the full vote on the amendments to nullify the rights of workers, since they have the explicit approval of the federal government, business leaders and corporate unions.
This labor flexibility is recommended that both the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the OECD to cheaper labor of workers. So, employers and neoliberal government they call "The successful integration in the global marketplace."
Only a united struggle of workers, the unemployed, the union and nonunion, women, men and young people will prevent the imposition of this reform, which only benefits the large national and transnational.

What future will the future generations if we act now?
Participate on activities and demonstrations to express our rejection of the Employer Labor Reform!
express our repudiation of these reforms
Emiliano Zapata: El Caudillo del Sur, to 92 years after his assassination Writer: Mauro Espínola
This month marks 92 years of Zapata's assassination at the hands of men of Jesus Guajardo Chimeco the ranch, Morelos ..
Emiliano Zapata's assassination was a blow to the agrarian movement in the process of the Mexican Revolution that had been planned by the inhuman living conditions of workers and peasants under the Diaz regime had no hope of improving their living conditions. Although it should be noted that even the murder of Zapata himself is developed by the isolation under which the Southern Liberation Army was because by 1919 its range of action was limited to some towns in the State of Morelos in 1911 while its radius Xochimilco and extending to northern Guerrero.
The call of Francisco I. Madero to armed insurrection for the day November 20, 1910 is attended by about 300 men. In Puebla the insurrection led by Madero Serdán Achilles had been discovered on November 18 with which the wood was beheaded in the south. In Morelos the rebellion began in late 1910, led by de la O to about 25 but a single rifle. Zapata who had led some local conflicts Anenecuilco, stands next to Pablo Torres Burgos until February of 1911 it expected to bring together a greater number of farmers under the Plan de San Luis.
The development of the Zapatista movement in the early years of the Revolution was always in ascent but this was not only due to the personal characteristics of Zapata but historical conditions under which developed the revolutionary movement. The fundamental reason why both Zapata and Villa, were those who led the agrarian movement was due to the absence of an organization that was capable of uniting the forces in the sense of proposing an anti-capitalist program. In this context, little by little political developments, especially the defeat of the Northern Division in 1915, were weakening and isolating the movement.
Before 1909, when it was founded the Anti-Reelection Party with which Madero runs for office, the only opposition party had been the Mexican Liberal Party headed by Ricardo Flores Magon which was dispersed by 1910 because of the attacks perpetrated by the government of Díaz.
Madero's government, like any bourgeois government was unable to meet the demands of peasants and indigenous people who sincerely believed in, saw the program as a good intention. But as the saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," Madero rather than seeking a true transformation of society only wanted a democratic opening, it only sought the national bourgeoisie to which he belonged could get to manage the State in favor of their interests. Zapata became aware of this and promulgating the Plan Ayala the November 25, 1911 where his main task was to ignore the government of Madero.
Ayala Plan largely reflects the political influence that this was the magonismo, including the slogan Tierra y Libertad was a slogan developed by the brothers Flores Magon. Which did not offer a real alternative to the peasants and exploited the field for the distribution of land would eventually only the formation of a local landowner, or rather only transferred ownership of land without an end to the cause of misery of the peasants. Under capitalism both peasants and workers are exploited in benefit of a small minority, which brings huge profits from the sweat and blood of these. The contradictions of capitalism come to such an extent that there are examples of plantations where they prefer to let the harvest go to waste because they represent a lower cost that his crop, and this happens not in the big propiendas of land completely technologically advanced, but in states such as Tabasco Puebla, Oaxaca and Veracruz. This can only be transformed under a workers' government, where the lands are expropriated by this and are put under the democratic control of the peasants, where agricultural production is carried out according to social needs.
90 years after the murder of Zapata vindicate a program that really offer alternatives to farm workers under capitalism as the only solution is socialism.
"For the unity of workers and peasants"
"For a socialist program for the rural and urban"
Date: April 2011
This month marks 92 years of Zapata's assassination at the hands of men of Jesus Guajardo Chimeco the ranch, Morelos ..
Emiliano Zapata's assassination was a blow to the agrarian movement in the process of the Mexican Revolution that had been planned by the inhuman living conditions of workers and peasants under the Diaz regime had no hope of improving their living conditions. Although it should be noted that even the murder of Zapata himself is developed by the isolation under which the Southern Liberation Army was because by 1919 its range of action was limited to some towns in the State of Morelos in 1911 while its radius Xochimilco and extending to northern Guerrero.
The call of Francisco I. Madero to armed insurrection for the day November 20, 1910 is attended by about 300 men. In Puebla the insurrection led by Madero Serdán Achilles had been discovered on November 18 with which the wood was beheaded in the south. In Morelos the rebellion began in late 1910, led by de la O to about 25 but a single rifle. Zapata who had led some local conflicts Anenecuilco, stands next to Pablo Torres Burgos until February of 1911 it expected to bring together a greater number of farmers under the Plan de San Luis.
The development of the Zapatista movement in the early years of the Revolution was always in ascent but this was not only due to the personal characteristics of Zapata but historical conditions under which developed the revolutionary movement. The fundamental reason why both Zapata and Villa, were those who led the agrarian movement was due to the absence of an organization that was capable of uniting the forces in the sense of proposing an anti-capitalist program. In this context, little by little political developments, especially the defeat of the Northern Division in 1915, were weakening and isolating the movement.
Before 1909, when it was founded the Anti-Reelection Party with which Madero runs for office, the only opposition party had been the Mexican Liberal Party headed by Ricardo Flores Magon which was dispersed by 1910 because of the attacks perpetrated by the government of Díaz.
Madero's government, like any bourgeois government was unable to meet the demands of peasants and indigenous people who sincerely believed in, saw the program as a good intention. But as the saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," Madero rather than seeking a true transformation of society only wanted a democratic opening, it only sought the national bourgeoisie to which he belonged could get to manage the State in favor of their interests. Zapata became aware of this and promulgating the Plan Ayala the November 25, 1911 where his main task was to ignore the government of Madero.
Ayala Plan largely reflects the political influence that this was the magonismo, including the slogan Tierra y Libertad was a slogan developed by the brothers Flores Magon. Which did not offer a real alternative to the peasants and exploited the field for the distribution of land would eventually only the formation of a local landowner, or rather only transferred ownership of land without an end to the cause of misery of the peasants. Under capitalism both peasants and workers are exploited in benefit of a small minority, which brings huge profits from the sweat and blood of these. The contradictions of capitalism come to such an extent that there are examples of plantations where they prefer to let the harvest go to waste because they represent a lower cost that his crop, and this happens not in the big propiendas of land completely technologically advanced, but in states such as Tabasco Puebla, Oaxaca and Veracruz. This can only be transformed under a workers' government, where the lands are expropriated by this and are put under the democratic control of the peasants, where agricultural production is carried out according to social needs.
90 years after the murder of Zapata vindicate a program that really offer alternatives to farm workers under capitalism as the only solution is socialism.
"For the unity of workers and peasants"
"For a socialist program for the rural and urban"
It's official: PRD rejects alliance with the PAN
Editorial 4/10/2011 2:30:00
Mexico City - The National Council PRD definitively rejected the alliance with the PAN for election to the State of Mexico and signed the agreement with the PT and Convergencia.
According to El Universal, New Left, the current support for the alliance failed to win the 2-thirds vote required for the partnership could materialize, so the alliance proposal the PAN was rechzada.
The final vote of the Political Council of the PRD was 91 votes for the alliance, 77 against and 18 abstentions.
A proposed alliance between the PRD, PT and Convergence did get the 2 / 3 necessary parts, reaching 129 votes in favor and 44 abstentions.
The rejection of the alliance becomes a major triumph of López Obrador, who has opposed the alliance with the PAN, in New Left, which has promoted.
PAN's response to the rejection of the alliance was to suspend the primary election for their candidate and appoint directly Edomex Luis Felipe Bravo Mena, who is in third place in the preferences election. ___________________________________
Encinas People want to be a candidate of the left in the State of Mexico, says
Very good for the people, which spoiled the PRD-PAN alliance
Ecatepec, Méx., 9 April. Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated here was very good for the people and the nation
that you were able to truncate the proposed alliance between the PRD to the PAN in the state of Mexico, and awarded this transformation to the dignity of Alejandro Encinas
During a tour of three locations in this county, reiterated that there was an offer from Los Pinos Encinas to accept a candidate of the coalition in exchange for power and money. However, he said, so good that it is not going to give the alliance with the PAN, we're on a new path
declined to comment about the internal procedures of the PRD, although Saturday night who promote an alliance only with the left forces without the PAN, the reverse held the Alliance and asked them to carry out even without hindrance The Encinas campaign.
The National Democratic Alternative are irritated and asked them if they will not help nor hinder, that license request, we do it the
authorize said Higinio Martinez, national leader of the Policy Action Group (GAP), a PRD currents opposed to the possibility of joining the blue and white in this entity.
Meanwhile, López Obrador said that people want Encinas is a candidate, because he has confidence, and avoided answering the question of the possibility that was emerging at that time for directors related to the head of the Federal District, Marcelo Ebrard, abstained in the vote to decide the electoral alliance with the PAN. License
continue, says
The Tabasco said only that his license
in the PRD will continue, because it is dedicated full time to the organization of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena).
stressed that the important thing now is to make clear that the PRI and PAN are the same thing and that a PRD alliance with these forces would be an act of treason and given to the manipulation and deception.
In the first meeting in Santa Maria Tulpetlac, referred to the coalition of leftist parties (PRD, PT and Convergencia) with which contend for governor of the state of Mexico.
The messages issued before hundreds of people flocked to the main square of this community (where he worked and was murdered in 1981 Misael Núñez Acosta, one of the main leaders of the teachers in the Valley of Mexico) and later in Polygon and Santa Maria Unit Chiconautla, López Obrador showed his appreciation for what is shaping up as a permanent cancellation of any link to the PAN in the face of the elections on 3 July.
Rallies were held before the National Council PRD. However, López Obrador, citizens and political leaders involved in Brown held that the alliance would not.
"I think it will be given to ensure that PRD-PT alliance, Convergence is working out well ... there is a progressive alliance," he said to supporters at the time of López Obrador Encinas promise as the next candidate of the coalition of the left and then as governor, would fulfill the promises to implement social programs to benefit people.
reiterated that it is fortunate that no concrete pact with the PAN, it would be an act of treason. "It does not take a political scientist or specialist to know that the PRI and PAN are the same thing, with the support and wiles of a group of 30 tycoons who have hijacked the institutions and the powers of the Union.
"So, how good that is not given the alliance. Not succeed for the dignified attitude of Alejandro Encinas, who said 'no' to the offer of Los Pinos and continue the government's program and meet the commitments on behalf of the people, especially the poorest. "
Today the tour continues mexiquenses constituencies. ___________________________________
Wikileaks documents now show perverse and dirty nature of that alliance and especially how it works. That there was never any agreement for all except one: do not leave, ever, that the Left came to power. Everything else was negotiable and nothing would be given for granted. This alliance, in other words, has a single purpose: to prevent the triumph of the left in national elections. The stories can be from these documents indicate that the Allies were, in fact, enemies in the field of political struggle and everyone did their interests and did so ruthlessly, regardless of whether the partner had it between his legs. Only the alliance came together and operated as both felt that the enemy threatened them both.
We also know, thanks to those documents, that moment came when one of the partners fell behind with his own eyes and could not aspire to anything more. That happened to Madrazo and the PRI. When they learned that they were lost, the PAN came to them and pointed out that the alliance had already set in motion against a powerful left that threatened both and needed to face in common. The PRI was accepted and in that moment, decided that Calderon would be their own champion. Of course we also know something that was clear at the time: that Madrazo was doomed to failure by their co-religionists, particularly by some of the PRI governors who were threatened with death by a possible victory of Tabasco. To consolidate their local power, preferred to support the PAN candidate, trying to get everything they could in this alliance dictated by circumstances.
Much of cannibalism has this alliance and is a sign that the target is unique to the left to destroy or prevent access to power. In everything else, that everyone complies with its holy and the strongest wins. It's hard not to think of the alliance as one that occurs between ruffians, including authentic gangster for whom the law is worth a damn and state institutions are nothing more than vile instruments of their dirty rinses and chicanery. To say, as did one of the informants of the embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich was doing
pressure on Lopez Obrador and to maintain and increase the extent of the approaching date of elections did not mean that in the field election would make it possible to lose ground to the PRD. Meant that he would use all the power of the State to defeat at any cost above the law and institutions. Fox himself said, with the stupidity that characterizes it. That
PRI governors mainly in the north, may have feared Madrazo, as revealed in the documents of the embassy, \u200b\u200btells us two things at once: one, the PRI had done feudalisation of those governors owners of his own kingdom and saw Madrazo not a colleague, but a threat to their interests, two, and they understood perfectly the meaning of the alliance. That means that the partnership did not operate only against López Obrador, but also Madrazo and it was not even noticed. Nauseous just seeing the characters, described by the documents of the embassy, \u200b\u200bthrowing rubbish pial and becoming unspeakable among themselves not only as to prevent the triumph of the left but also to exploit the weaknesses of one's partner or co to take advantage for themselves.
Madrazo, so you can see, it was more a victim of the same PRI that of the PAN or the left. All United Against Madrazo (Tucom)
or you, would you believe Madrazo? I also
were creations of the impudence PRI against their own flag. That is indicative of another issue that lies behind the fierce pragmatism of PRI governors and groups that support and opportunism, in general, has characterized the PRI over the PAN governments: the rightward inevitable parallels PRI (so it says in the classic English) with its total inability to act as an opposition party, as revealed by Wikileaks documents. is likely that a good majority of high-level PRI tables have rejoiced at the defeat of his own party.
could make an inference from all these revelations that explain treacherous attitude (relative to the historic alliance of the right, of course) of the PRI in its action in Congress. They do not give anything PAN government not because they are not right just as the PAN, but because within the alliance is a merciless war with his own allies from positions of power. Many have asked why have not succeeded so that the rights of all call signs
structural reforms. Now it all seems much clearer: the historic alliance of the PRI and the PAN only includes a basic agreement, prevent the triumph of left nationwide. In everything else, forget it!, Is war. It seems incredible that among allies can give all kinds of junk and cheap shots, but the truth is that the alliance is effective when specific interests make it necessary, such as labor reform, again, when it comes to defeating the left. Both serve the masters of money, but each in its own way and on their side. Even in that they are enemies.
The conclusion is the same: in Mexico and there are only two forces: the right, embodied by the PAN and the PRI, and the left who, today, only embodied in Lopez Obrador and his great mass movement. The right wing has been very heavy on his heart and is capable of any atrocity, and also of every crime imaginable. Facing it left that today there is only one perspective: strengthened itself to gain access to power, respecting the law and institutions. Can not in any way, to behave as dirty as the right.
Yes, indeed, there are many very serious differences between the PRI and PAN. Both only unifies the will to fight left. But it is fair, that what defines today right. ___________________________________
Abolish television
Be fair: what is the advantage of television? 1) It is a useful and modern relieve the desperation of the unemployed and the decrepitude of the elderly. "Remember to soma of Huxley's dying." 2) The soaps contain moral and religious teachings as the minister Lujambio. 3) The TV helps to fulfill the Gospel beatitude of the meek. Provides gentle to the people not to burst with indignation to the daily suffering and stupidity and corruption of the authorities.
The bad: 1) is a drug. Produces impaired consciousness: hypnotize, depressed, drugged, hallucinatory. Qualifies as a crime the production, trade and consumption of TV. 2) Prevents live (a dormant family around the
box is not attached). Blunts our sensitivity. Prevents us to explore, innovate, learn, discover. Turns the world into a virtual landscape. 3) is a power, the largest, without ballast (Zaid, Bobbio).
My proposal: I am not radical. The total abolition is a multi utopian. Today has been abolished utopias and utopians sought. I'm a moderate abolition.
Concrete measures: 1) Refine the use of television as a dangerous substance. is the new opium of the people
(Sabato). 2) We must reduce the schedule to 2 hours 15 minutes a day. Over that time creates dependency irreversible. 3) We must put name cards on the images on TV that say: The use of this program can damage neurons
. 4) It must be big campaigns for people to expel the television sets in their homes. No need to ban it. 5) That people can see it at home for a while hopelessly alienated. The couch potatoes may not marry or have kids. 6) There must be an amazing on all roads and advertise on television itself and every hour the famous phrase: Turn off the TV, turn on your life
. ______________________________________
emphasized the actions of The Worm Is Green, Joe and Enanitos Verdes Volume
slam at the Foro Sol, managed to enter Some 200 fans
The festival is a sign that young people "do not support that stupid war against narco " said Liber Terán
Sunday newspaper La Jornada, April 10, 2011, p. 7
With the widespread repudiation of violence caused by fighting anti-narco , began on Saturday at 14:30 hours the second day of the Festival Vive Latino, at the Foro Sol in an afternoon with the sun to lead and a diverse audience in the four scenarios. At 19:30 hours, the official figure was 70 gauge thousand people.
By midafternoon, about 300 people stationed at the gates 8 and 9 of the Foro Sol unsuccessfully tried to slam the door to see the meeting of Caifanes. However, about 200 fans located at Gate 5 descolgón certainly could organize, and despite the lack of vigilance, riot police and mounted police tried to stop it. The few items police could not contain the inflammatory shoving people entering the building.
The Blenders pay tribute to Rita Guerrero
In the Indian scenario, The Blenders recently paid tribute to the late Rita Guerrero, Oblivion. Other pieces performed were Trousers and sweeping. Patricia Diego and were supported by Raymond on drums, Edward on keyboards, bass and Hector Juan Manuel Torreblanca on the accordion.
Rita Guerrero's presence is still very strong and can not find another woman in the Mexican rock that strength and that courage
said Patricia Peñaloza.
Meanwhile, Liber Terán, who spent 15 years in the group Los de Abajo, said that this festival is a sign that young people do not support "that stupid war against narco ." Accompanied by a band of 10 musicians paid tribute to Piporro and The Clash. Said he was proud to have been a second time as a soloist at the Vive Latino festival and felt that this musical is the most important today.
now bring a sound of drums and other mergers, now do what I want because I move
solo. For him, the young people of Mexico do not have to suffer stigma or being called Ninis, then said, rather what is lacking is support for culture and education.
Rebel Cats The group made the boys jump with his rockabilly. The band members wore pink bag with black lapels and boasted huge tufts, a la Peña Nieto. In
the bottom of the Foro Sol could hear the sound of swarms on the main stage while thousands of people gathered to listen to Enanitos Verdes and Caifanes.
At 18 hours the Vive Latino 50 000 registered attendees, according to official figures. The greater capacity was recorded at 17:20 hours with the performance of The Worm Is Green, prompting other stage is empty. The show was also the resurrection of the group. Filled the Foro Sol in good vibes.
Joe also gave an outstanding performance. Said I like being in the Vive Latino
, while guitarist melted the instrument with a drill. The band was invited as a musician Arturo Yokozuna. And the best was yet to come.
only we could come before Caifanes, because we have a history of 31 years and have played in Mexico to the tiles below
said vocalist Marciano, the Enanitos Verdes, who said more than excited to share the stage with the iconic band led by Saul Hernandez.
As the time approached Caifanes would go up on stage at the Vive Latino 2011, the growing expectations of artists like those of the 50 000 attendees at the Foro Sol, where literally could no longer even a soul.
To the Bunkers, Chileans settled in Mexico, each show, lives not only in America but everywhere, is a challenge. Caifanes assured it would be more than emotional: an experience similar to the return of prisoners, in Chile. For the group
Swarm, Zacatecas, California, at Vive Latino affected him the terrible sunbeams on stage
legs burn. Zacatecas assured that there is more rock, if only they have excelled at national level. They said they never expected to be so close Caifanes.
Los Pericos, playing reggae, said the Vive Latino is a gathering of friends. They recalled that in his 25 year career pace has always been linked to social movements and peace.
Atto and The Majestics, which did very well in their participation, thanked the public for their delivery, despite not having a place to dance.
Tinajeros Ana said, meanwhile, that women in the Vive Latino are well represented. Chilean family, said that the dictatorship in the country of his father affected him in the sense that the nation was born far from Allende.
Pink Noise group, which was in the tent Intolerant, said it fan of Vive Latino, and the important thing is to maintain discipline and flight to work beyond the lint. Reel Big
said that the most exciting of this meeting is the crying and see thousands of head from the floorboard.
On the main stage listening to the Bunkers. It was 20 hours and no one wanted to move from its place as everything was ready to receive Caifanes.
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