Pachuca, Hidalgo., 29 April. is not more prisons, threatening heavy-handed policies and more stringent laws and ends with rising crime and violence in the country
, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said on his second day tour of the capitals of the country to evaluate and promote the construction of its National Regeneration Movement.
Rather, he said, what the country needs is to have more employment, welfare and ensure the constitutional rights of all Mexicans.
live the most difficult moments, darkest and saddest of national history, and this decline is due to the predominance of a mafia potentates are about 30, believed to be the masters of the country that have been meticulous in destroying our nation.
Before some 4 000 Hidalgo gathered in the plaza Juárez de Pachuca, asked Why so much violence and insecurity? Because he canceled the future to millions of Mexicans, because they closed the doors of study and work for thousands of young people, many of them have had to leave their families to immigrate to the United States, but many of them were tempted to take the path of illegal activities
said that in 2006 his opponents took advantage of the lack of organization, which prevented her moving boxes monitor in north-central states of the country, there where we committed the most blatant fraud in the history of Mexico
called his followers to the National Assembly by the 5 July in the Zocalo of Mexico City to promote change in this country, will not come from the top down, must come from below, with an organized
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blood Springs antiwar
Jaime Avilés
, composed of the Secretaries of Defense, Navy, Public Security, Government, the PGR and the Cisen-that is, a joint civil- South American-style military, which would have the power to order military intervention in situations that in his opinion may threaten the internal security
, a privilege that also enjoy, on his lonely, the holder of federal executive when he wanted.
The only requirements that both the Board and the Executive be required to adhere to its action was legal in this regard would be two: first, published in the Official Journal Federation of its decision to send troops into combat anywhere in the country, and second, to report what happens on the front battle to a committee composed of senators and deputies, not later than 30 days after the home employment of hostilities.
Needless to say, this formula bureaucracy to establish a constitutional dictatorship in our country
bears the stamp made in USA
. This is a gift from the government of Hillary Clinton (and his elegant butler) illegitimate regime of olinarquía Mexican through the Merida Initiative.
However, the substance and excitement and at times frantic, hysterical, which squandered the deputies loyal to Enrique Peña Nieto to try to impose this monstrosity in San Lazaro, willing to pay any political price for it reveals that the Mexican governor tries to become Washington's point man in Toluca, and the candidate of the stars and stripes for the coming year, with dismal results, fortunately ... and now.
only for now. We can predict with absolute certainty that if you arrive at Los Pinos in 2012, Peña Nieto push back approval of these reforms and dictatorial coup, which would legalize state terrorism and would make the armed forces in political police.
Peña Nieto Why bet its future on this letter? Why Humberto Moreira, the so-called national leader of the PRI, backed it with your eyes closed? Why Beatriz Paredes had to get into the ring to ask a bit of calm to his party colleagues, asking them what they obeyed his haste, when the PAN, said literally, not even uncombed
by this law that in theory they more interested in the adoption? There
clear conclusions. Hillary Clinton Carlos Salinas de Gortari y antes que ellos el propio Calderón, saben que en el PAN no hay nadie que pueda competir con éxito en la contienda presidencial de 2012. Como antes, como siempre, necesitan al PRI, para que éste garantice el dominio de la olinarquía nacional y extranjera durante seis años más. En otras palabras, Peña Nieto es ya el candidato de Calderón, y lo seguirá siendo después del próximo 3 de julio si retiene la gubernatura del estado de México. Porque si pierde en su propia cancha ante Alejandro Encinas y las fuerzas que simpatizan con López Obrador, Calderón tendrá que empezar a platicar con Manlio Fabio Beltrones.
Lo cierto, lo undeniable is that the United States and much less here, those who govern and those who obey not intended in any way, change economic policy or social policy, but neither plan to rectify its alleged
war strategy, if one day had - drug trafficking.
the contrary, try to keep it and deepen it, so to justify the presence of armed forces in the streets, but soldiers, sailors and federal police have not been able to contain or stop this carnage now teaches a face new and even more terrible in narcofosas multiply that by all the country's north, but soon, there is no reason to doubt, will appear in the south.
Now that Calderon Peña Nieto have shown their intention to preserve this violence, the campaign becomes more important
no blood +, which from today will be extended and intensified, with a view to the concentration of Sunday May 8 at the Zocalo, which will host the silent walkers Cuernavaca, whose meeting was attended by thousands and thousands of the capital. That day, the good of all, must begin a new stage of struggle against the war stupid and hypocritical, we will only end when actual conditions of the olinarquía that feeds it is thrown from power.
Letter to the Romans
Tomorrow, Felipe Calderón Narcofosa attend a business meeting at the Vatican. Friends of Mexico in Rome, those who look with horror at the genocide that we have condemned to suffer indefinitely but we guarantee it now, will continue for many years could protest the primary responsibility for this catastrophe, mimicking, for example, the ingenious Cuernavaca and courageous activists who, a few days ago, the waters ran red from the source of the dove of peace.
Rome cari amici, is the city of fountains. To become a metaphor while a complaint by the bloodshed that strangles us, we need to implement a very simple procedure. To avoid poisoning the birds, bees, butterflies, but not to stray dogs and cats to quench their thirst by drinking water from public sources, the paint used Cuernavaca red currant plant, used to decorate cakes and environmentally friendly.
Imagine the effect achieved, friends, Romans, to show solidarity with our unfortunate country, if dyed the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona and Piazza di Spagna, and many more. At best, if they do and the press spreads in other major cities in Europe and Latin America, where Mexico has so many friends, other people might be encouraged to decorate the sources closest to his heart, for example, Boulevard Saint-Michelle at the subway exit of the same name in Paris, or the de Cibeles in the heart of Madrid, or beyond the Ramblas in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bor Cagancha Plaza in Montevideo, or the beautiful and always attended the Serrano Place in Buenos Aires, to name a few.
would be a tragic but beautiful way to remind the world-particularly poorer countries exporting to the United States through Mexican territory, where they are victims of the police, the narcos , organ traffickers and people, but also federal police and so on-that while the fresh water springs from the depths of the earth, stained with innocent blood to pass through the narcofosas , and sources should not obscure its beauty hypocritical what is happening to us.
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