unemployment persists and reduced purchasing power, says
The PAN governments decade is a lost decade for human rights work in Mexico
and in this period -2000-2010 - was created only a fifth of the jobs he promised the administration of Felipe Calderón, was steadily declining relative permanent jobs, the buying power of the minimum wage was reduced to such an extent that now represents a quarter of that workers were in the late 70's, and multiplied the violations of freedom of association.
The 14 Report of Human Rights Violations in Mexico Labour, prepared by the Center for Labor Reflection and Action (CEREAL), raises concerns that the foregoing and for Mexican workers the decade of the National Action Party in government has meant
suffering and indignity.
The document, presented yesterday to experts on the issue of labor rights, indicates that even 33 cases of violations of freedom of association during the presidency of Fox were taken, for the first time in the history of Mexico, subject to a hearing of the Commission American Human Rights (IACHR) of the OAS, and that the Calderon government could overcome the number of lawsuits filed by workers and unions to international organizations, in the absence of labor courts in Mexico.
Cereal research was discussed, among others, Alan Garcia Campos, of the Legal Unit and Analysis of the Mexico Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who said the crisis situation of insecurity and violence we live in the country has exacerbated the precarious situation of human rights and labor. Meanwhile, Manuel Fuentes, president of the National Association of Democratic Lawyers, added that instances of labor courts in Mexico are
failed, they suffer from defects and limited staff.
The analysis also touches upon the performance of the labor secretary, Javier Lozano, of which he says have gone on hot spots on its
ineffective management, noting that the task of staff has led, For example, in a really weak and directionless for the / workers
Mexicana Airlines. He also argues that the secretary has been
part in the event of a strike at Cananea, had
contempt by the conflict of the Union Mexican Electricians and has lied
regarding what happened at Pasta de Conchos.
As for the balance of this decade for the workers, the report notes that during this period were created in total only 2.1 million jobs (210 thousand a year on average, barely a fifth of the minimum required.) He also emphasizes that in this period has been committed
State workplace violence, as documented decisions and positions of government policies affecting workers, has been unit labor justice
the federal executive branch.
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