Thursday April 14 from 10:45 am broadcasting live from the House of Representatives who will lead the demonstration Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Morena movement against the amendment to the Federal Labour Law. http://www.lanuevarepublica.org/
accept the tricolor debate, but calls it an open and plural
AMLO on PRItricks to pass labor reform
Naucalpan, Mex., April 13. Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked to act in a cautious before the announcement of the PRI to subject to public consultation, article by article its proposed labor reform, because that game is very crafty and might get away with it
and approve the project as part of the agenda of structural changes imposed by the rulers of the country
and the International Monetary Fund .
"We will act cautious on this issue and why we will go on Thursday to the House of Representatives to protest, as we announced, against the labor reform, which was assembled in Los Pinos between Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Francisco Rojas, coordinator of federal deputies tricolor, and Felipe Calderon and the PRI and the PAN tried to pass Easter without anyone knowing. "
In an interview, during the last leg of his tour of the state electoral districts of Mexico, said that you can not trust the tricolor because 20 years are pushing what they call reforms structural social security, energy, fiscal, educational, labor and all those who are to privatize, when in fact to affect people, because they are backward socially and economically
Earlier in his speech, welcomed the PRI "will accept our proposal to make forums to review this matter, after we went to the House of Representatives, a week ago, saying that we do not agree with this, and how to discover which took advantage of the tricky way to pass Easter initiative, in conspiracy with the PAN. "
view media, said the forums should be open, plural and be dialogues with commitment, because it is not just to comply with the record going to listen without taking into account the views
different sectors.
is important, he said, that be entrepreneurs, as Claudio X. Gonzalez, giving the face Carlos Salinas de Gortari, because put together this with your employee Francisco Rojas, Los Pinos, Calderon and wanted anyone to know, and so is committing a great injustice
regard to the recent violent events in which he was involved the Mexican Electricians Union, López Obrador said that due to the lack of response to the dismissal of 44 thousand workers are cases in which against any provocation, tempers are prone to a reaction, although they (the electricians) are not appropriate, but Televisa, Calderon, the power of the Mafia, because they give and give with it
criticized the way that preys
these matters, because it demonizes the workers do not understand the situation found by the lack of employment opportunities.
The former presidential candidate also spoke out against the levels of violence in the country after the high number of bodies appearing in narcofosas.
Calderón I worry that I clung to follow the same strategy that has proven time and again its failure. And to foreign organizations are talking about all this was caused by the neglect of the people, because he canceled the future to millions of Mexicans, especially young
In public meetings held in Naucalpan and Villa Nicolas Romero, López Obrador reiterated his support for Alejandro Encinas and held it to become the flagship of the coalition that will build PRD, PT and Convergence for the elections of 3 next July.
In that context, said the PRI candidate, Eruviel Avila, must explain where he obtained both luxuries, like a house on Huixquilucan, when he touted his humble origins, so the only explanation, he said, is coming from corruption. _________________________________________
addition to the action stupid and irresponsible police created panic in the Metro, are also condemned attacks by electricians from reporters, not the employment status of victims, but because it is unacceptable that anyone who starred in a social protest, however justified it may be, use violence against any citizen. In this sense, it attempted explanations impresentable yesterday said Martin Esparza, top leader of the SME, in the sense that our colleague was assaulted by protesters for allegedly refused to identify himself to them: participants in an act of protest have the slightest legal authority to request documentation of any kind to those who witness the performance trade-in information or for any other reason for their mobilization.
Moreover, the reprehensible proceeding of some members of SME should not give rise to disqualify the union as a whole, nor to distort and devalue the strength of the union by an act of Government questionable for many reasons, such as the October presidential decree 2009, sleazy in the way and, at bottom, deeply damaging to the country for electricity consumers and workers, both electricians and employees in general.
With that evidence in mind, it is perverse to present the resistance movement of the EMS in this year and a half as mere vandalism. That is, however, which has been making all official media, for which the deplorable events of last Monday represented a new opportunity to whip up public opinion against the electricians who kept on fighting despite the vast array of legal, administrative, police and propaganda by the federal government committed in its efforts to settle a trade union organizations oldest in the country and to erase all traces of workers' achievements gained over decades.
is significant, moreover, that this new media lynching against SME ignore the many wrongs and injustices committed against those in power that ignores the union and the backdrop it should be unavoidable when talking about the conflict generated by the extinction of Light and Power: the growing social exasperation caused by the sustained anti-worker policies pursued by successive federal administrations for more than five decades, the effort to eliminate labor rights, from which the ill-fated reform PRI is a recent example, "the stubbornness to transfer all publicly owned entity to private ownership, and folly to hit the independent trade union organizations while, in contrast, the public lives in full charro domed condescension, submissive and Jurassic such as those that control the unions of teachers and oil workers.
The condemnation of the aggression and violence must not become a blindfold over your eyes to ignore its root causes or to disqualify a patent on the whole, a union that has 18 months of unwavering defense their source of employment, legitimate labor gains, rights of workers and consumers in general, and property of the nation.
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