Friday, April 15, 2011

Groping -chikan In The Bus

not allow a new tort to workers and people of Mexico: AMLO

Mexico City
Thursday April 14, 2011


Mexico City. Andrés Manuel López Obrador at a rally in the Chamber of Deputies, where he called to defend the people's interests and prevent the PRI and the PAN promote "counter" as labor, energy and taxation. Carlos Ramos Mamahua / La Jornada

* Address legitimate president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, at the rally held outside the headquarters of the Chamber of Deputies


First, thank you very much for your presence at this event, despite the day and time have decided to participate in this meeting, in this event, which convened to defend workers and the people of Mexico.

As public domain 28 years has been imposing the so-called neoliberal policy that has been used to carry out the biggest looting of wealth and property of the nation that it is registered Mexico's history.

During this period, a small group of thirty potentates, confiscated all the powers and has become national institutions, into mere instruments to serve the international financial institutions and the country's oligarchy.

Such is the case of the Legislature that throughout this time has been spent to pass amendments to the Constitution and the laws to legalize the spoils and abuses of a few against the majority of the people and the nation .

The modus operandi of those who really rule and decide in the country and is believed masters of Mexico, has been to control both the PRI and the PAN, which essentially are subordinated to their interests, although pretend to be different.

These games can fight when it comes to municipal and state elections, including issues not relevant, but when he is through maintaining a policy of oppression, corruption and privilege, always together and agree.

To see what I'm holding here, we recounted the legislative outrages PRIAN:

In May 1989, here at the beginning of the government of Carlos Salinas, was adopted here in this House, National Development Plan (1989-1994) that allowed the sale of public enterprises to the private sector. Thus, only in that six-year period, were delivered 250 large state enterprises. I mean the shot of Telmex, Mexicana Airlines, TV Azteca, Lázaro Cárdenas, Altos Hornos de Mexico, Veracruz United Shipyards, sugar mills, tractors, cars and engines, cement, piping, machinery, among many others.

The June 27, 1990, here, is amended Article 28 of the Constitution and the fifth paragraph was removed to the State reserving the provision of public service banking and credit. With this modification, 13 months, from June 14, 1991 to July 13, 1992, surrendered 18 banks that were owned of the nation. It should be noted that those who stayed with the companies and banks in the nation and the people of Mexico, were people near Salinas that now appear in the list of the richest men in the world and, obviously, part of the group dominant in the country.

The January 6, 1992, here, is amended Article 27 of the Constitution to promote the sale of ejido land. At the same time, it was left to promote the agricultural sector and left the field.

The May 6, 1992, here, Mining Act was amended to give concessions for the exploitation of gold, silver and copper, individuals up to 50 years, and eliminated the boundaries of the surface that could be concession, was repealed the tax on mineral extraction and resulted in the privatization of mining plant units and public enterprises, as was the case in Cananea. Also in that six years were given 6 million 600 thousand hectares of national mineral reserves, basically, three consortia in the country: Penoles, Grupo Mexico and Carso. And this same policy has continued to date. In the last official report available, December 2009, states that have concession, throughout this period, 25 million 386 thousand 611 hectares of national territory is or 13 percent of the whole country. It is worth saying that only during the Porfirio Diaz had been carried out such a disposal of soil.

The December 22, 1992, here, approved the amendment to a secondary law, violating the Constitution, has helped generate electricity to private companies, mainly foreign, now sold to the Federal Electricity Commission almost 50 percent of electricity consumed in the country, high prices, while maintaining underutilized plant shutdowns or public sector. For this, each year, private foreign companies receive 80 billion pesos of public funds. We can not forget that this policy of privatization, which is synonymous with corruption and influence peddling, great injustices have been committed, as heartbreaking dismissal of 44 thousand workers of the Mexican Union of Electricians.

The March 5, 1993, here, approved the constitutional amendment to Article III limiting the free public education only at primary and secondary schools, and left the market as if it were a commodity; upper secondary and university education.

A Thereafter, each year is rejected at 300 thousand young people are excluded, and to justify this absurdity, was introduced the lie that young people can not enter because they do not pass the entrance exam, when in reality what happens is that space is available in public schools due to lack of budget.

Suffice it to say that in the last 20 years, owing to the absence of higher education by the state, private school enrollment grew from 16 to 37 percent, while the public was reduced from 84 to 63 percent.

The March 18, 1995, here, the PRI majority approved the increase VAT rate of 10 to 15 percent.

The May 12, 1995, here, approved the amendment to the law regulating the rail service to privatize the National Railways of Mexico to domestic and foreign companies. There were so brazenly in the robbery that at the end of his term, President Zedillo went to work as advisor to the Board of Directors of the companies that kept most of the country's rail infrastructure.

The May 23, 1996, here, passed the savings schemes for retirement that allowed private financial operators and foreign, non-transparent administration, with high operating costs, low profitability, the pensions of millions of workers who do not stop living in uncertainty for the management of these funds at all sure.

The December 12, 1998, here, with 327 votes of the PRI and PAN, approved the Fobaproa, which became the private debts of a few entrepreneurs and bankers in debt. Today, this debt amounts to 1 trillion 300 billion pesos. And from 1995 to date, have been earmarked to pay interest only, more than 600 billion pesos in the budget. That is, every year, in the last 16 years here have been approved items budget of around 30 billion pesos on average, to pay only the interest of this onerous debt. Public resources should be used to promote productive activities, create jobs and the welfare of the people.

The December 8, 2005, during the Fox administration, here, it amended the Law on Income Tax for the privilege granted to large economic and financial corporations, to defer the payment of taxes for up to 100 percent their contributions.

The March 22, 2007, here, approved the amendment to the law of ISSSTE pensions that gave workers government service to the interests of bankers. Workers pay more for their pensions and ultimately receive less.

The October 24, 2008, here, approved the Law of Petroleos Mexicanos to result in the granting of incentive contracts, and companies are called "private, domestic and foreign, for oil exploration by assigning areas or blocks of land, exclusive, up to 25 years. Currently, they are already signing such contracts to exploit oil fields in Tabasco. This has led to five mayors of the state to file a constitutional controversy because it is a flagrant violation of Article 27 of the Constitution.

Indeed, the Supreme Court, which is also in the service of the mafia in power, has just rejected this controversy by arguing that the authorities "have no legal interest", although it will appeal this ruling and the legislators of our movement , the House also managed to present another constitutional dispute with the same purpose.

Here, after a political deal between Calderon and Peña Nieto, October 20, 2009, Members approved the Act in which increased revenue VAT from 15 to 16 percent, increased the income tax from 28 to 30 percent and authorized the monthly increases on gasoline, diesel, gas and electricity.

believe that with this account of infamy is clear enough who he works for the majority of legislators who call themselves representatives of the people. Just add, among other indignities and do not forget, that here, they burned the ballot in 1988 and in 2006, after the electoral fraud, Felipe Calderón, with the complicity of the PRI, came through the back door to this building, a symbol of the indignity and subjugation.

why we are here again, to prevent further injury to workers and the people of Mexico to try again from the PRI and PAN to reform the Federal Labor Law. This is the same agenda of so-called structural reforms. Fiscal reform, knocking him to tax the common people, salaried workers, small and medium businesses and maintain the privileges of corporations not paying taxes. Le

also call these structural reforms. They say energy reform, not more than the privatization of the electricity industry and oil. Educational reform, as I stated, it means bring to market public education, to study anything else that has to pay a private school, to study the need to pay tuition.

Here, I say that we are not against private education. The need to pay a private school, is entitled, but the government and the Mexican State is obliged to ensure free public education and quality in all school levels.

And now they talk of labor reform, all imposed from abroad and promoted by national potentates, all that essentially mean privatization, looting and serious setbacks social. But unfortunately, this is what has prevailed in the absence irresponsible own agenda, attached to our reality, which would serve the large and serious national problems such as lack of economic growth, jobs, corruption, impunity, insecurity, inequality, marginalization of young people and the impoverishment of the people.

These would be the main issues should be addressed in the House of Representatives and not the agenda imposed by the vultures of international capital, with the complicity of the oligarchy of our country.

worth mentioning that, as in other cases, labor reform initiatives presented by the parliamentary groups of the PRI and PAN, are virtually identical. There are even identical paragraphs, showing once again that all these rinses are carried out and decide from the power elite, you only see the legislature as a simple office procedure.

But why do we oppose this reform work? Among other things, it is proposed that, from-as has been said, the paltry minimum wage, "ten times smaller than the United States", they can hire hourly workers, that is, a worker who works one hour , charge about 7 pesos, and who works 4 hours charge 29 pesos, half the minimum wage, money does not reach or the passage. Also, try to hire workers subject to testing periods up to six months, leaving the employer can fire them without compensation and no right to any social benefits.

The same would apply to workers hired for initial training or seasonal. Also, legalizing the contract giving rise to the payment of low wages without benefits, and "legal fraud" against the workers, among other serious setbacks as listed in the two reforms in given by the PRI and the PAN's proposal.

We are here because they had the intention to adopt this reform in stealth, in silence, without letting people know anything, using cleverly Easter. All this, of course, with the complicity of most media, especially television, television in particular, which as usual never report what does not suit their owners, who incidentally are part of the mafia in power that dominates the country.

But fortunately, it seems, for now, and not achieve their mission and will have to convene forums, as proposed and asserted the independent trade union protests, for addressing this important issue and hear from workers, trade unionists, employers, experts and citizens in general.

So that has not been in vain to express our disagreement, especially from March 31 that lawmakers of our movement, which I congratulate you on this act by its consistent attitude, PRD legislators, the PT and Convergence in the stands who made the first public protest in the parliamentary precincts.

Finally, I make a final consideration, regardless of what they say our adversaries, we have the conviction, we strongly believe that implementation of the neoliberal model and all the reforms that have been implemented for this purpose, the exclusive benefit of a group of tycoons, is the main cause of the current crisis in Mexico and in particular the outbreak of hatred and resentment across the country suffers.

That is what has caused the current situation of insecurity and violence that is suffered in the country, they are responsible, and so the responsibility now rests with the people of Mexico. In any way responsible for the ongoing national tragedy has a name, are the members of Mafia power, its ambition is destroying the country and are unfortunately the majority of our people.

why we're here. Keep in mind that all these counter-reforms not only generates more concentration of wealth in few hands and poverty, not only produces more poverty but also causes more resentment and more social tension.

is under constant attack against the social compact, they are attacking the peace and social and political stability of our country.

is why it is outrageous and unbelievable that those who are responsible for the national tragedy, insist on maintaining the same economic elite at the expense of suffering of the people and the destruction of the country.

Friends: Let

defending the people and the nation, but at the same time, we continue to work with dedication and enthusiasm in the organization of our National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), which is even not like to our adversaries, much less the power of the mafia, the only option, the only hope for millions of Mexicans.

So we continue to work with one hand, as now, defend the interests of the people, the heritage of the nation, and with the other hand going to continue to organize from below, to strengthen our movement and achieve the country's transformation, the rebirth of Mexico, Mexico managed to get out of this quagmire and our people from poverty, marginalization, insecurity and violence.

We will continue fighting, working. Occupied most of our time doing the work of guidance and awareness. We must convince more people about the authenticity of our movement, the authenticity of our intentions. Let no one doubt, we are not equal, because now, with this crisis, many lose faith and others are devoted to saying that all are equal.

No, we are not equal, we do not lie, do not steal, do not betray the people and we will achieve the renaissance of Mexico. Let's keep doing this work, saying that we have an alternative project of nation that we can pull Mexico out, we do know how to do it and not justify what is happening because our country, even though they have plundered for centuries , is one of the countries with greater resources in the world and also has its principal resource: a noble and hardworking.

So do not lose faith let's move on, yes there are departures, all is that we set aside the oligarchy, every defeat is that this group of potentates, that we do so peacefully, without violence, they win fair and square, with the participation organized the people, to establish in Mexico a real, true democracy, a people's government and the people, to be distributed this way does justice to the wealth of the country, reach everyone, better living conditions and work and thus will recover the happiness of our people.

Yes we will achieve the rebirth of our country, we will achieve together, from below, from the view that only the people can save the people, only the people can save the nation.

We are moving forward, my friends. Wholeheartedly thank you very much for being here, at this time, resisting the sun, but worth fighting for, pensioners, the elderly respectable an organization have a special theme, says: Let's fight is starting to die.

Congratulations to all of you. Therefore, we are strengthened and tell them so particular to the electrical workers, who are with them and bear in mind that we made two commitments: one, that to succeed Alejandro Encinas as governor of the state of Mexico, will create a public corporation of the state government of Mexico to give jobs back to all workers in the Mexican Union of Electricians.

And it will not be possible to fill them all in that company, in 2012, when our movement to succeed, all will be rehired and we will restore the company Luz y Fuerza del Centro.

is a commitment that we are doing.

Calderoncito is totally wrong and he knows he is lying, not canceled, the public company was closed because the workers were inefficient and a burden on the budget. It did and he knows it well, just that he is a hypocrite, because I wanted to be as always, on his knees, serving the interests of private enterprises and especially foreign nationals.

But when our movement to succeed, all this will change, we will not be buying the power to foreign companies, English companies, we will put to work at full capacity at power plants public sector energy at hydroelectric plants.

And there will be a lot of work for the people of Mexico. It's going to end corruption.

Y same thing we say to the miners, where there is change, this member of the mafia of power, Larrea, and will have no influence and will listen to them, workers who have been humiliated, who have been wronged. Come back to retrieve all the rights of the miners of this country.

And a very special way, I say Mexican workers who make a commitment that will restore their jobs, they will have your company again, because there will be no predominance Gaston Azcarraga, another member of the mafia in power, as he helped Felipe Calderon in electoral fraud, let him Mexicana to plunder and to fire workers.

All this is being corrected, all these things we will review. Let me be very clear. Is to apply the Constitution, because that is our program, the Constitution is respected only in form, but is violated in the background.

This mafia has established a republic simulated, fake, a republic apparent. We will enforce the Constitution and especially Article 27 which states that the Nation is the original owner of the wealth of our country for the benefit of workers, to benefit the people of Mexico.

I was glad to be with you. Again, thank you very much.

live the workers of Mexico!

National Regeneration Movement Viva!

Viva Mexico!

Viva Mexico!

Viva Mexico!


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